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FFXIV: What is the quickest way to get Lurid Memory of the Dying?

FFXIV: What is the quickest way to get Lurid Memory of the Dying?

If you are looking to upgrade your relic after Patch 5.55 of FFXIV here is the quickest way to farm the thirty Lurid Memory of the Dying

FFXIV: What is the quickest way to get Lurid Memory of the Dying?

Patch 5.55 introduced a lot of new content to Final Fantasy XIV including the new instanced duty Zadnor.

Players are also able to finish the upgrade of their Resistance Weapon relic making it the best weapon in the game for now.

To upgrade your relic players will need 30 Lurid Memory of the Dying. These can be farmed in Zadnor but it's not the quickest way if you want to get your new relic quickly.

FFXIV 5.55 Lurid Memory of the Dying Quick Farm - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV 5.55 Lurid Memory of the Dying Quick Farm

FFXIV How to farm Lurid Memory of the Dying fast

The Lurid Memories of the Dying can be obtained from Zadnor but can be much quicker to farm with the other option: the Eden Raids.

Raids that will drop one Lurid Memory of the Dying for sure every run includes:

  • Eden's Gate: Inundation
  • Eden's Promise: Eternity

Farming Leviathan — Eden's Gate Inundation — is by far the quickest way as the fight is one of the fastest raid available. There are very few mechanics to remember aside from the first knockback.

If you missed our complete guide on how to upgrade your Shadowbringers Relics here is a link.

FFXIV 5.55: How to Unlock Zadnor

Here is how to unlock Zadnor, the new instanced duty of FFXIV brought with Patch 5.55 of the game. This is the zone where you'll be able to find the Dalriada Raid.

FFXIV 5.55: How to Unlock Dalriada Raid

Here is how to unlock the Dalriada Raid, the new 48 players duty of FFXIV brought with Patch 5.55 of the game.

Julien bxakid

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