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Genshin Impact: New Liyue Chest Locations with 3.0!

Genshin Impact: New Liyue Chest Locations with 3.0!

With Genshin Impact patch 3.0, it's not just for Sumeru! An old region of the game, Liyue has also received some additional chests to search through this major patch. Enough to complete your exploration to 100% while filling up on rewards.

Genshin Impact: New Liyue Chest Locations with 3.0!

Genshin Impact patch 3.0 inaugurates a brand new region, and it is quite normal that the latter receives special attention from players but also from developers at miHoyo. However, Sumeru isn't the only area getting new content right now. A fan of the game, Rae , recently posted a map detailing the locations of 15 new chests to the Liyue region !

To be more precise, these freshly added chests via patch 3.0 are located in Liyue, but in the eastern sector of the region, which borders with the verdant lands of Sumeru.

Where are the 15 new Liyue Chests since 3.0?

You will find these 15 new chests in the lands just east of Tianqiu Valley .

Genshin Impact

Going for free chests is always a plus, whether you're a fan of fully exploring each area, or a player looking to maximize your playing time to get the most resources. These chests listed by Rae are godsend for Genshin Impact free to play players.

They are all the more interesting since they are not in the heart of the Sumeru region, and many uninformed players risk missing out.

For more guides and tips on Genshin Impact, do not hesitate to consult our complete walkthrough of the game with all the character builds, the location of the resources to be collected in the world of Teyvat or the quests for each update.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!