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Wall E Disney Dreamlight Valley Garden: Get Ingredients Effortlessly!

Wall E Disney Dreamlight Valley Garden: Get Ingredients Effortlessly!

Here's everything you need to know about Wall E's garden in Disney Dreamlight Valley: how to unlock it and improve it thoroughly in order to obtain many useful ingredients for making recipes. If the seeds that the robot plants are random, however, this is a great help.

Disney Dreamlight Valley is finally released this Tuesday, September 6, 2022 in Early Access on all platforms. The opportunity for you to discover this magical world and restore it by finding lost Disney and Pixar characters. All means are good: whether it's exploring the open world by unlocking the passages of nocturnal thorns thanks to the Dreamlight, or going through the castle and its magic paintings. Today, we are going to focus on Wall-E and its precious garden of plantations.

How to unlock Wall E's Garden?

Your first objective will of course be to find Wall E in his own Kingdom in order to bring him back to your village. To do this, you must unlock the left door to the Castle of Dreams with Dreamlight. Once done, build his house as you progress through his kingdom and friendship quests. He will ask you very quickly to complete the following quest:

  • Village project: the Garden

    This quest is extremely important as it will allow you to unlock Wall-E's large garden. A place where the robot will grow seeds for you for free, which you can then harvest. It is possible to improve it thanks to the construction panel in order to enlarge it and plant more seeds. Be careful though, it is impossible to plant your own seeds.

    Talk to Wall-E and follow him to the Ruined Garden in Tranquil Meadow. You will need the following materials to repair it:

  • 5 candy cane seeds (you can buy them at Goofy's stand on the Enchanted Beach)
  • 5 Wheat Seeds (to be purchased at the Goofy stand in the Prairie Tranquille),
  • 1 Trellis (to be crafted using your workbench),
  • 3 Burlap Bags (craftable at your workbench)

    To find the white and pink falling penstemon needed to craft the trellis: collect all the flowers in the Esplanade so that others will reappear.

Disney Dreamlight Valley
Disney Dreamlight Valley
Disney Dreamlight Valley
Disney Dreamlight Valley

Use and improvement of the Garden of Wall E

Much like Moana's fishing boat, the garden is automatic: you can't plant the seeds yourself or choose which vegetables will grow. It's the little robot that manages everything from A to Z and you will then have the surprise during the harvest. By quickly upgrading the Garden, you will gain access to many vegetables and cereals that will be useful for cooking. Don't forget to create your own pumpkin garden in the Forgotten Lands in order to pocket as many coins as possible by reselling them.




basic garden

with the quest

3 plantations

Level 1

1000 Pieces

6 plantations

Level 2

2000 Pieces

9 plantations

Level 3

3500 Pieces

12 plantations

Level 4

5000 Pieces

15 plantations

Level 5

10,000 Coins

18 plantations

Level 6

20,000 Coins

21 plantations

Level 7

30,000 Coins

24 plantations

Level 8

40,000 Coins

27 plantations

Level 9

50,000 Coins

30 plantations

Disney Dreamlight Valley
Disney Dreamlight Valley
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Julien bxakid

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