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Disney Dreamlight Valley: The 5 Secret Halloween Quests!

Disney Dreamlight Valley: The 5 Secret Halloween Quests!

Discover the complete walkthrough of the 5 secret Halloween quests on Disney Dreamlight Valley! Trick or Treat, Mask, Pumpkins, High Sugar, Halloween Meal... Here's how to complete them all to get exclusive rewards for free!

Disney Dreamlight Valley finally brings us a big October update with Scar, a new area (Vitalys Mines), crows, and even Halloween events! If you want to have a good Halloween on the game and decorate your valley as it should be with pumpkin furniture or even wear a nice disguise, you have two things to do:

  • Complete Path of the Stars missions to get Halloween rewards,
  • Complete secret quests in the Dreamlight tab of your Collection! There are 5 in total, in the "Village" section and we have detailed them for you below

    You can also craft the 5 new pieces of furniture available in your Workbench!

Disney Dreamlight Valley

Trick or treat

  • Mission : Give any gift to villagers x10
  • Tip : You can give whatever you want, but don't hesitate to give at least Scar's 3 favorite gifts to increase his friendship if it's already done with the other characters in the game.
  • Erratum : this only works if you give any gift to 10 different characters in the game
  • Reward : x1 Mickey Halloween Pumpkin (furniture directly in your edit mode)
Disney Dreamlight Valley

High sugar level

  • 3-step mission : Eat 15 candies / 30 candies / 45 candies
  • Advice : you must first cook the 15 candies using the Candy (1 sugar cane) or Mint candy (sugar cane + mint) recipes. Once in your inventory, click on them to eat them. You will need at least 45 candy canes to make the 45 candies: you will find some at the Enchanted Beach stand. Do not hesitate to first pick up the buckets of candies available on the Esplanade , this will save you from having to cook them.
  • Rewards : Happy Halloween Pumpkin / Mischievous Halloween Pumpkin / Friendly Halloween Pumpkin
Disney Dreamlight Valley
Disney Dreamlight Valley

Wickedness wears many masks

  • Mission : Wear a mask
  • Tips : Open your wardrobe and choose a mask to wear. Beware, masks are very rare in DDV so if you haven't gotten one from Scrooge's Store yet, the best way to get one is to complete Starpath missions. Indeed, on Page 3 of the rewards, you will be able to obtain a mask!
  • Reward : 1 Purple Treat Bucket
Disney Dreamlight Valley
Disney Dreamlight Valley

Store Pumpkins

  • Mission : grow 100 pumpkins and collect them
  • Advice : Pumpkin seeds can be purchased at the Goofy Stand in the Forgotten Lands. They grow in 4 hours but need to be watered again after 2 hours
  • Reward : x1 stack of pumpkins (a piece of furniture)

A 3-course Halloween meal

  • Available since the beginning of the Halloween event this October 24, 2022
  • Mission: Find candy buckets on the Esplanade of different colors, open them like chests to get the candies and eat the candies (3 of different colors) to complete the quest.
  • Advice : The buckets may only appear after a few minutes of play, do not hesitate to go back and see only on the esplanade.
  • Reward : Green Candy Bucket

    We still don't know if anything else special will happen on Halloween day, October 31st.

Disney Dreamlight Valley
Disney Dreamlight Valley
Silent Hill: Announcements of a remake and a new game are driving fans crazy!

We can say that Konami has not been idle! The Japanese company announced no less than three games, a movie and what appears to be an interactive series during the Silent Hill Transmission event on October 19. Here is a small recap of the announcements.

Julien bxakid

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