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LoL TFT Patch 9.17 — Dragon Pantheon is FINALLY here!

LoL TFT Patch 9.17 — Dragon Pantheon is FINALLY here!

Patches keep raining onto Teamfight Tactics! However, 9.17 has something else more: it introduces Pantheon! Check this out!

LoL TFT Patch 9.17 — Dragon Pantheon is FINALLY here!

It's quite hard to keep up with Teamfight Tactics updates, because we never really know whether changes will be implemented with the next patch or with the micro patch that usually follows. However, it's not confirmed: Pantheon joined the Convergence with Patch 9.17!

Get ready for Patch 9.17 and all the following changes that it brings!

Patch 9.17 Summary

New Champion


Dragon / Guardian — 5 gold

• Health: 1000 / 1800 / 3600
• Attack Damage: 80 / 144 / 288
• Attack Speed: 0.75
• Armor: 120
• Magical Resistance: 20


Mana: 75/150

Pantheon leaps into the air, becomes untargetable, and crashes down towards the furthest enemy, stunning them for 4/6/8 seconds. As he lands, Pantheon deals magic damage to all enemies in his path equal to 30/40/50% of their Maximum Health..

System Changes

  • The first carousel now has all 2 cost units.
  • Ghost armies now benefit from Trait bonuses.
  • Attack Speed cap has been increased from 2.5 to 5.0.
  • Tooltips have been updated to be more clear, and numbers scale with Ability Power.

Champion & Trait Balance Changes

  • Trait: Assassin, Hextech, Noble, Ranger, Shapeshifter, Yordle
  • Champions: Graves, Warwick, Lissandra, Lucian, Gangplank, Leona

Healing Changes

  • Effects: Grievous Wounds
  • Items: Bloodthirster, Hextech Gunblade, Redemption
Will Patch 9.17 turn Teamfight Tactics meta upside down?

Teamfight Tactics Patch 9.17 looks like it's bring a huge load of changes to Shapeshifters and healing mechanics, meaning the current Noble/Void/Brawler-centered meta will probably be disrupted. What's next though?

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo