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TFT LoL — Dragon Slayer Pantheon lands onto Convergence!

TFT LoL — Dragon Slayer Pantheon lands onto Convergence!

Pantheon has just been reworked in League of Legends, and it might be possible that he'll soon join Teamifght Tactics! Read on!

TFT LoL — Dragon Slayer Pantheon lands onto Convergence!

Update — August 28

The information is now confirmed: Pantheon is joining Teamfight Tactics! Currently tested on the PBE alongside Patch 9.17, he should be shipped to the live servers with the next cycle!

Original Article

Pantheon has just been reworked, however, it seems that Riot wanted to use this Champion outside League of Legends' Rift. Our beloved Spartan might join the Convergence — or at least that's what being insinuated by the official League of Legends Twitter account. In one of its latest Tweet, we can see a new Champion blasting onto the Convergence, obliterating the Dragon in one shoot.

Yeah, you heard it well: it seems that Pantheon is joining Teamfight Tactics.

Nothing has been confirmed yet, but as far as we know Pantheon might be a Dragon / Guardian — just look at the synergies of the clip above. Also, within League of Legends lore, Leona, Pantheon and Aurelion Sol are all related. August Browning also precises that Pantheon would cost 5 gold — meaning it would join the Legendary club.


Grand Starfall

Pantheon gathers his strength to leap high into the air, then crashes down onto the farthest enemy, stunning him and dealing %HP damage.

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo