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Check out the perk system in Call of Duty Modern Warfare multiplayer mode

All About Modern Warfare
Check out the perk system in Call of Duty Modern Warfare multiplayer mode

Perks are modifiers that you can add to your soldier's equipment. From the most deceitful to the most useful skill, we will detail all the different perks and provide you with the most notable ones according to your gameplay!

Check out the perk system in Call of Duty Modern Warfare multiplayer mode

In this guide, we will introduce you to the different perks available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. They can be useful for your survival by protecting you from explosives or looting ammunition on your enemies' bodies. They are divided into three categories, and for them to be really effective you will need to make the best combination of three perks possible.

Perk 1

Double Time

Double the duration of tactical sprint. Increase crouch movement speed by 30%.


Carry two primary weapons.


Resupply ammo from dead players.


Take reduced damage from non-killstreak explosives and fire. Hack enemy Claymores, Proximity Mines and C4.


Undetectable by AI targeting system and thermal optic. Immune to Snapshot Grenades.

Quick Fix

Killing players, capturing objectives and holding objectives will increase your health regeneration rate.

Perk 2


Recharge equipment over 30 seconds.


Your killstreaks cost 1 less kill.

High Alert

Your vision pulses when enemies outside of your view see you.


Undetectable by UAVs, Radar Drones, Heartbeat Sensors and High Alert. Hide the death markers of enemies you kill.

Kill Chain

Killstreaks earned in your current life earn kill credit for other killstreaks.

Perk 3

Tune Up

Increase the charge rate of field upgrades by 50%.


Faster weapon swap and rocket launcher reload speed.


Spawn with ectra piece of lethal equipment. Explosive damage delays enemy health regeneration.

Battle Hardened

Reduce strength of enemy flash, stun and EMP effects.


See enemy equipment, field upgrades and killstreaks through walls. Mark them for your team by looking at them while aiming down sights.


Enemies leave behind a footprint trail. See markers at enemy death locations.

Best perks

Lone wolf spirit

For players who prefer to play it solo:

  • Quick Fix
  • Ghost
  • Tracker

Team spirit

If you prefer to play as a team and help your allies:

  • E.O.D.
  • Kill Chain
  • Spotter

Destructive spirit

If you love to feel overpowered during your games:

  • Overkill
  • Hardline
  • Amped

Stay tuned for news and guides to learn more about Modern Warfare's Beta!

Discover the XRK Weapons Pack preorder bonus

All players who have pre-ordered Modern Warfare will receive a bonus XRK weapon pack with a handgun and an AR!

Camille B

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