All About Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Field Upgrades list

Field upgrades are items or abilities that will be most useful to you during your games. Here is a guide that will help you choose the right upgrade regarding the way you play.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Field Upgrades list

Field upgrades are active or passive items or abilities that may be useful to you during your multiplayer games. Whether it is a Deployable Cover, a Munitions Box or a passive that reduce the sound of your footsteps, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare allows you eliminate your enemies in many ways!

Please note that these skills reload during a game and that there's nothing you can do to change that.

Field Upgrades

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Deployable Cover

Portable, rapidly-deployable ballistic cover.
Recharge rate: Fast

Munitions Box

Deploy a box of ammo, grenades, and weapons for you and your teammates. Shoot at your own risk.
Recharge rate: Medium

Recon Drone

Remote controlled drone that marks enemies, equipment, and vehicles in the world.
Recharge rate: Slow

Stopping Power

Reload your gun with stopping power rounds that deal extra damage.
Recharge rate: Slow

Dead Silence

Temporarily makes your footsteps quieter. Kills refresh duration.
Recharge rate: Fast

Tactical Insertion

Marks a location as your next spawn point.
Recharge rate: Fast

Trophy System

Deployable autonomous defense system that destroys up to three nearby pieces of equipment and projectiles.
Recharge rate: Fast

Best field upgrades

Lone wolf spirit

For players who prefer to play it solo:

  • Dead Silence

Team spirit

If you prefer to play as a team and help your allies:

  • Tactical Insertion

Destructive spirit

If you love to feel overpowered during your games:

  • Stopping Power

Stay tuned for news and guides to learn more about Modern Warfare's Beta!

Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !

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