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Pokemon Sword and Shield: Expansion Pass, new Pokémon and Gigantamax announced

Pokémon Sword and Shield — All Guides
Pokemon Sword and Shield: Expansion Pass, new Pokémon and Gigantamax announced

In today's special Nintendo Direct, two new Pokémon Sword & Shield expansion passes have been announced: The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra. Find out all the details about the upcoming Pokémon expansion pass DLC for Nintendo Switch.

Pokemon Sword and Shield: Expansion Pass, new Pokémon and Gigantamax announced

Game Freak and Nintendo surprised us greatly at this Pokémon Direct on January 9, 2020. With the success of Pokémon Sword and Shield, two expansions have been announced! Among other things, these DLCs will add 200 Pokémon from older generations that were previously not present in Galar. Here's a brief summary of what the expansions will bring to your gaming experience:

  • 200 Old Generations Pokémon added,
  • 2 new regions functioning as the Wild Area: Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra
  • New Gigantamax Pokémon like the Gen 8 starters,
  • Access to new raid dens and previous Legendaries from other games
  • New cosmetic and personalization items for the avatar
  • New Gyms with their champions,
  • and much more!

How to buy the Expansion Pass?

DLC are now available for prepurchasing on Nintendo Eshop. Price is $29.99 for both but it seems that you need to buy DLC on each version of your game.

Some pictures

Of the Fighting type, Kubfu is the Legendary Pokémon from the first expansion. It evolves into Urshifu.

Pokémon Sword and Shield
Pokémon Sword and Shield

Calyrex is the Legendary Pokémon of the second expansion. It's a Grass and Psychic types Pokémon.

Pokémon Sword and Shield

Galarian Articuno, Zapdos & Moltres have been revealed.

Pokémon Sword and Shield
Pokémon Sword and Shield
Pokémon Sword and Shield
Camille Chabroud

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