Released in November 2019, the long-awaited (and controversial) Pokémon Sword and Shield has become one of the best-selling games on Nintendo Switch! According to Nintendo Japan, the game sold more than 16 million copies in just six weeks after its official release. In comparison, Pokémon Let's GO Pikachu and Eevee sold 11.76 million copies over the same period.
Sword and Shield sold 36% more than Let's GO: a rather colossal number.
It would seem that Nintendo's home and portable console is a great asset for the Pokémon franchise. But let's not forget the mobile game Pokémon GO, which had its best year yet in 2019. While there seems to be fewer and fewer players on the field, this Augmented Reality game continues to be very popular and trainers can't get enough of spending in-game money (more than $894 million spent in 2019). Figures that will surely increase again in 2020 with the new competitive gambling system: