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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Patch 1.15 Goes Live, Full Patch Notes

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Patch 1.15 Goes Live, Full Patch Notes

Patch 1.15 for Modern Warfare has gone live across all platforms. Find out everything you need to know surrounding the latest update in this article.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Patch 1.15 Goes Live, Full Patch Notes

The latest patch for Modern Warfare has gone live. The patch is 7GB on PS4, 11GB on Xbox and 10GB on PC.

Bazaar is the newest addition to the Gunfight map pool. It is free for all players and is the second Gunfight map to be added as part of the second season of post-launch content for Modern Warfare.

New Playlists

Alongside the launch of Bazaar, there are two brand-new playlists on Multiplayer:

  1. 3v3 Snipers on Rust - A throwback to those quick-scope battles of yesteryear.
  2. Infantry Ground War - Ground War without any tanks or APCs.
  3. Dirty Old House Boat (Shipment,, Rust, Shoot House 24/7)
  4. Infected Ground War

New Bundles

There are two new cosmetic bundles that are available to purchase in the store as season two continues.

Images courtesy of Charlie Intel - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Images courtesy of Charlie Intel
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Full Patch Notes


  • Fix for a bug where friends who are online in Social Tab were not always appearing at the top of the list
  • Various map exploit fixes
  • Fix for some players seeing an incorrect Career Level
  • More fixes to Regiment tags
  • Fix for some players encountering an issue where their mouse stopped working after the last title update
  • Fixed a bug in 3v3 Gunfight that allowed players to shoot through the center structure on King while using the AX-50
  • Fixed an error that could occur when Hardline was earned in Specialist
  • Quality of life backend fixes to help the Regiments and Social menus run smoother
  • Fix for a spawn exploit on Vacant
  • Fix for White Phosphorous killing all players instantly when in Realism modes


  • Fix for the score at the end of “Fire in the Hole” not tallying up properly


  • Fixed a bug for the “Kills with Enemy Weapon” Karma challenge not tracking properly
  • Fixed Daily Challenges that require you to get an X number of kills with an enemy weapon
  • Fix for an objective when completing Golem’s Operator Mission that requested 5 Kills with lethal equipment but was tracking with killstreaks.
  • “Alliance” Objective 6: Complete any 4 Co-Op Operations has been fixed
  • “Alliance” Objective 2: Requires 50 Juggernaut kills with Otter as your Coalition Operator. This has been fixed


  • Fixed a bug where weapons stopped showing level progress 1 level before their max rank, giving the appearance that they are no longer gaining XP
  • Striker 45: Fixing range and ADS speed to match the description of the 300mm Poly Barrel
  • Model 680: Slight range increase
  • Model 680 XRK 30.0 Sport: range increase
  • Slight Range decrease and ADS increase to the following:Model 680 – XRK 18.0” Liberator
    R9-0 Force TAC Sentry & Origin 12 Forge TAC Precision
  • Under Barrel Shotguns: increased pellet count, reduced rate of fire, increased shell count to 8, tuned autoswap after ammo is complete, range increase
  • Crossbow: Increased reload speed
  • Fixed a bug where the Akimbo Snakeshot .357s did not register damage for both guns when fired on the same frame
  • Reduced recoil to the SA87 12.4 Factory Barrel
  • Increased close and mid-range damage for the AK 5.45x39mm round mags

Classic Special Operations:

  • Fix for a graphical bug that could occur on mission “Disinform” while on Xbox

Special Operations: Survival

  • Piccadilly: Fix for a bug where helicopters could clip through buildings
  • Adjusted Cluster Strike damage towards enemy helicopters
  • Fix for a bug where destroying the enemy helicopter/pilot was not awarding money as intended

Special Operations:

  • Operation Crosswind: Fix for a bug that could prevent players from using the Cruise Missile while having the Thermite Launcher equipped
  • Operation Crosswind: Fixed an issue where the Juggernauts outside the airport might not pursue players after breaking stealth
  • Operation Crosswind: Fixed a bug where a player would have infinite ammo and standard weapons if jumping out of the plane with the Juggernaut suit

Call of Duty League:

  • When CDL Rules are enabled, the Restrictions warning icon will be displayed next to the buttons that contain CDL banned items, even if they are in sub menus. This should make it easier for players to know what parts of their loadouts need to be replaced in order to follow CDL Rules.
  • Domination: Round timer set to 5 minutes (previously 6)
  • Search and Destroy: Round timer set to 1 minute 30 seconds (from 2 minutes)
  • Restricted Thermite, Throwing Knives, and Killstreaks to CDL playlist

CoD Caster:

  • Reintroduced the Data View feature, allowing KBM Codcasters to view player information by pressing the keybind assigned in the Options menu.


  • Several fixes to prevent crashes and improve stability

As the icing on the cake, there will be a Double XP Weekend beginning on Friday, February 28th and ending on Monday, March 2nd. There's no better time to reach the maximum level!

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Jonno Nicholson

Head of Call of Duty & FIFA portals at Millenium US. Call of Duty esports extraordinaire.