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Call of Duty: Warzone: Warzone surpasses 50 million players

Call of Duty: Warzone: Warzone surpasses 50 million players

Since the release of Call of Duty: Warzone, it has been revealed that the player count has surpassed 50 million players.

Call of Duty: Warzone: Warzone surpasses 50 million players

Another huge milestone for the first standalone Call of Duty title on consoles occurred on April 10th, exactly a month after the release of Call of Duty: Warzone.

Hitting over 50 million players in just one month is a massive achievement after surpassing 30 million players earlier in the year and six million downloads in just 24 hours.

The growth of the new battle royale doesn't appear to be slowing down anytime soon, even with the release of the VALORANT closed beta.

It appears that Activision and Infinity Ward has managed to create something that is going to be around for the foreseeable future. With regular updates to the game, Warzone is definitely going to be competing with the likes of Fortnite and Apex Legends for a very long time.

Call of Duty: Warzone: April 10th update goes live

A new playlist update for Warzone has gone live. Find out what changes have been made in this article.

Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !