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WoW Shadowlands: A player reaches level 50 in less than 7 hours

WoW Shadowlands: A player reaches level 50 in less than 7 hours

After his first speed leveling record on the Alpha of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, DesMephisto has once again pushed the limits with a new record in less than 7 hours! The funniest part of it all? He believes he can do better!

WoW Shadowlands: A player reaches level 50 in less than 7 hours

While he had set a previous record at 12 hours and 16 minutes, DesMephisto managed to further shorten his leveling on World of Warcraft Alpha: Shadowlands in order to bring the record to ... 6 hours and 55 minutes ! A feat? Not that much since the player believes that it is doable in 5 hours.

This new limit was pushed back thanks to the use of the 30% bonus to the experience granted in War Mode on the Alliance side, a bonus that he had not used during his first record. This time, he was only missing a little optimization (a pre-established route, items...), it is for this reason that he believes he can do even better.

World of Warcraft

According to DesMephisto , the leveling from level 1 to level 110 of Battle for Azeroth under the effect of the Winds of Wisdom bonus corresponds more or less to the leveling from level 1 to level 50 on the Shadowlands Alpha .

The speedleveling world record from level 20 to 120 is, as a reminder, for the moment held by the embittered Khayn on Battle for Azeroth : 16 hours and 07 minutes as a Monk .

World of Warcraft

Of course, these times are accomplished thanks to extraordinary preparations and foolproof micro-optimization. Everything is planned in advance, nothing is left to chance and these players sometimes even receive help from higher level players to go even faster.

Thus, DesMephisto estimates that a "normal" player should be able to complete the 1-50 in about 16 hours , a little less than what was done by most of the Finely Marathon winners.

In our Shadowlands preview, we felt that this reduction in time spent in leveling was both a strength and a new weakness for the game. DesMephisto seems to agree since it indicates that a 9 hour leveling would be more than enough, less seems excessive to him.

What do you think ? Are you for such a quick leveling?

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Chef des portails WoW Shadowlands, WoW Classic, Burning Crusade Classic et Lost Ark. J'aime tous les MMO, sauf ceux que je n'ai pas cités dans cette signature.