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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: April 22nd update goes live, full patch notes

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: April 22nd update goes live, full patch notes

A small update has gone live for Modern Warfare across all platforms. Find the full patch notes in this article.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: April 22nd update goes live, full patch notes

The main purpose of the patch is to address some minor bugs within the game.

Patch Notes

  • Fixed a bug where players were able to use Game Battles to make custom weapon blueprints that they can then use in MP or Warzone.
  • Upon picking up a dropped Renetti, the initial raise audio would be heard globally. This has been fixed.
  • Fix for an invincibility exploit after reviving a teammate in Warzone
  • Fixed a bug where two watches would be seen on the wrist of the CTSFO 1 Mil-Sim Operator
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: April 21st playlist update goes live

The latest playlist update for Modern Warfare and Warzone has gone live across all platforms. Find out what is new in this article.

Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !