It's been two months already that Galaxies landed onto the Convergence, bringing to Teamfight Tactics a whole new set of champions, traits, and items.
However, while Riot Games gradually released some new content with Rise of the Elements, they decided to adopt a new approach with this third set by pushing instead a big mid-season update.
Table of Contents
Trait changes
- Removed: Valkyrie, Void
- New: Astros, Battlecast, Paragon
Champion changes
- 9 Champions Removed
Tier 1: Kha'Zix
Tier 2: Kai'Sa, Sona
Tier 3: Kassadin, Lux
Tier 4: Cho'Gath, Kayle, Vel'Koz
Tier 5: Miss Fortune
- 14 New Champions
Tier 1: Illaoi,
Tier 2: Kog'Maw, Nautilus, Nocturne, Zed
Tier 3: Bard, Cassiopeia, Vayne
Tier 4: Gnar, Riven, Teemo, Viktor
Tier 5: Janna, Urgot
Other changes
- Trait Balance Changes: Blademaster, Brawler, Celestial, Chrono, Cybernetic, Dark Star, Infiltrator, Mech-Pilots, Mystic, Protector, Sniper, Sorcerer, Star Guardian, Vanguard
- Champion Balance Changes: Annie, Ashe, Ezreal, Jayce, Neeko, Rumble, Shaco, Syndra, Fizz, Jhin, Jinx, Aurelion Sol, Ekko, Gangplank
- Item Balance Changes: Bloodthirster, Chalice of Harmony, Deathblade, Demolitionists Charge (replaced by Battlecast Plating), Giant Slayer, Hextech Gunblade, Infinity Edge, Jeweled Gauntlet, Luden's Echo, Rapidfire Cannon, Red Buff, Seraph's Embrace (replaced by Blue Buff), Warmog's Armor
- Galaxies II Pass, Galaxies II Pass+
- New Little Legends, New Booms, New Arenas