The second half of Season 4 is in full swing and many players were expecting the stadium in Verdansk to open up and to the disappointment of many, it remains closed.
Several players are using the roof of the stadium to camp for the majority of the game, giving them a solid and often inaccessible vantage point.
But some clever players have managed to find a way in which to get inside the stadium.
The video shows the squad using two vehicles to create an improvised ramp, allowing them to climb into the stadium through an open ceiling panel. Although nothing significant can be seen inside, players can still deal damage despite being hidden behind the cover of the stadium.
Is it opening?
After an image appeared in the latest edition of the Activision Blog, it appears that some of the glass panels at the front of the stadium are missing, giving a small glimpse of what is actually inside.
Despite the missing glass, there are still no signs of the stadium opening up but the chance of it opening up during Season 5 isn't out of the question. With the presence of nuclear weapons already discovered in the bunkers, the opening of the stadium could well depend on the COD 2020 reveal timeline, which should begin in the not too distant future.