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How long will it take you to farm Timeworn Artifacts in the Palace of the Dead?

How long will it take you to farm Timeworn Artifacts in the Palace of the Dead?

If you're farming to upgrade your Relic and want to skip Delubrum Reginae, the Palace of the Dead is a good option. But how long will it take to gather 15 Timeworn Artifacts? Here's the answer!

How long will it take you to farm Timeworn Artifacts in the Palace of the Dead?

Image courtesy of Square Enix

Patch 5.45 of Final Fantasy XIV introduced the next step of the Relic Weapon upgrade and the last quest this time is to gather 15 Timeworn Artifacts in either the POTD (Palace of the Dead) or Delubrum Reginae.

While the drop rate of the memories were recently updated it's not the case for the Timeworn Artifacts, and getting all 15 is going to take some time, be it with one solution or the other.

If you're looking for the quickest of the two though, user KevinJay21 posted his farming results on Reddit.

With a 37.50% drop rate, it took this player a total of 40 runs to get the required items.

However, and as always, luck is involved and KevinJay21 explains that the drop rate might be closer to 30 percent.

An average run of POTD (Level 51-60) took them around 11 minutes for a ~8h grind in total against ~10h if you chose the 100% drop rate Delubrum option.

In the end, it really is up to you to use the method you prefer, but don't forget that, luck being on your side, you could drop the new mount or hairstyle that can sells for millions in a chest of Delubrum.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!