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FFXIV new optional item: The Wasshoi Emote is available now

FFXIV new optional item: The Wasshoi Emote is available now

A new emote, the Wasshoi fans, is now in the Final Fantasy XIV Online Store

FFXIV new optional item: The Wasshoi Emote is available now

Image courtesy of Square Enix

Players are now able to get new items in the Final Fantasy XIV Online Store: The Wasshoi Emote.

This Ballroom Etiquette - The Metaphysics of Merrymaking is available for $7 and is linked only one character.

FFXIV Wasshoi Emote

FFXIV New Wasshoi Emote
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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!