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Monster Hunter Rise: Behind The Scenes

Monster Hunter Rise: Behind The Scenes

Capcom released a video that reveals how the Monster Hunter Rise OSTs were made. They include vocals, traditional Japanese instruments, as well as some pretty epic orchestral sounds at times.

Monster Hunter Rise: Behind The Scenes

Monster Hunter Rise's soundtracks are one of its biggest strengths, both for its general quality, and because it clearly stands out from the competition — and previous titles of the license. The video doesn't go into details, but it allows you to put a face to the different voices as well as the instruments involved in the songs and music of the game. For example, it is quite surprising when you find out that the narrator during the introduction videos of each monster is also the one who plays the accompanying instrument.

Many traditional Japanese instruments were involved for some songs, even ones that seem a bit trivial like Yomogi's dango song: different types of koto — a plucked half-tube zither instrument — and different types of Shamisen (other stringed instruments vaguely similar to the guitar), different types of flutes and percussion instruments. Choirs and orchestras that are more classical, but still have their effect, were also involved.

The Magnamalo theme, the Narwa theme, and the Valstrax theme are some of the tracks that particularly stood out to us in Monster Hunter Rise, although they are far from the only ones. We are looking forward to the upcoming tracks with the next monsters or with the expansion.

Original content from Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet


Freelancer, translator and novel writer. Full-time FFXIV player since 2013, loves fluff and Japanese animation.