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Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak: The Shagaru Magala is coming to sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak: The Shagaru Magala is coming to sunbreak

The ancient dragon resulting from the transformation of Gore Magala is present in Sunbreak. He joins the cast of monsters already officially announced for the expansion. The release of the extension is close, since there are less than 48 hours to wait before you can play it on Switch and PC Steam.

The release of the Sunbreak expansion for Monster Hunter Rise is imminent, as it is scheduled for June 30, 2022 on PC and Switch. A few days ago, Capcom released a free demo of the expansion to allow players to judge for themselves what's new, whether at the bestiary level, with the Malzeno, or the new abilities of the weapons. Master rank difficulty is no joke either.

Shagaru Magala: Light from Darkness

Another recent announcement is the presence of Gore Magala, the strange monster that served as the headliner of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, and was also at the heart of its story. It was revealed after many wanderings that the Gore Magala joined a special sanctuary, in which it carried out its moult. It then passes from the status of a simple normal and blind (but still formidable) monster to that of an Elder Dragon. It then changes its name: the Shagaru Magala. While the Gore Magala is black, and covered with a kind of thick cape, the Shagaru Magala is white and shines like a demon transformed into an angel. His pieces of equipment also go in this direction.

However, his true nature doesn't really change, and he still spews out dark attacks that infect the hunter with the Fury Virus. He is a dangerous opponent who likes to bombard the area from the skies, before diving on the fighter.

Monster Hunter Rise

Ver. update is coming

All players will be entitled to some balancing with this patch, but it mainly concerns those who will buy the extension. Remember in passing that you must have completed the main story before starting to explore the new features, such as the difficulty of Master rank. Find the exhaustive list of these changes on the official website .

  • Weapons have new attacks and abilities.
  • Pilhairs can be modified more freely, with talent and skill changing features.
  • New monsters are introduced, along with related equipment.
  • New regions are added.
  • Dozens of other changes

Updated roadmap

As has been the case since the release of Monster Hunter World, free content updates will arrive regularly in the months following the game's release . The first will introduce the Nargacuga Selenite and the Vulcan Bazelgeuse, as well, and the tower region in August. The content of the following updates is kept secret, but it should include new monsters, and new special fights. Patches should continue to arrive in 2023, which should help players wait a bit while waiting for the next big title in the license.

Monster Hunter Rise
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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!