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Final Fantasy XVI might not be shown during Tokyo Game Show

Final Fantasy XVI might not be shown during Tokyo Game Show

In a recent livestream, Producer Naoki Yoshida explained that the development is going well, but the game might not be ready to be showcased in the Japanese event.

The latest livestream for Final Fantasy XIV provided some exciting new details about the upcoming main entry in the franchise, Final Fantasy XVI. It seems that the title’s development is pretty advanced and we might be able to play it next year.

According to Producer Naoki Yoshida (also known as “Yoshi-P”), all the scenarios from FF XVI are “set in stone” and the English voice recording is almost done. However, when asked if the game was going to make an appearance at the next Tokyo Game Show, Yoshi-P announced that he didn’t know. 

Apparently, the team wants to release a new trailer when the game is near completion and everyone who watches the video can pre-order it. That’s why Yoshi-P isn’t sure that they will reach the deadline for the Japanese event. On the other hand, he confirmed that the development is on track, which means that Final Fantasy XVI could release in 2022.   

In the meantime, FFXIV Endwalker, the final expansion for the online MMO, is releasing on November 23 for PS4, PS5 and PC.

Bastien Dubosq-Luyer

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