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Final Fantasy 16: The leaked release date just before the Game Awards?

Final Fantasy 16: The leaked release date just before the Game Awards?

And one less surprise for the "Caesar of video games", this ceremony ultimately more interesting for its world premiere wheelbarrow than for the award ceremony itself. And it is the release date of FFXVI which unfortunately pays the price today.

The surprises of the Game Awards are starting to tumble on the networks and several announcements or revelations will not wait for the ceremony of Geoff Keighley to make people talk about them. This is the case for this release date of Final Fantasy XVI, while the producer Naoki Yoshida had to intervene during the live for this famous announcement. This should nevertheless be accompanied by the opening of pre-orders in stride.

A release date revealed by The Snitch?

The Snitch is the new guy sure about leaks on Twitter: the latter would work for Youtube and would therefore have access to videos uploaded in advance by the various publishers . He then takes care of hiding all this in more or less cryptic messages on this account and for the moment everything he has thrown out has turned out to be correct. To make the date clear, The Snitch split a little poem in which it is possible to read between the lines a date for Final Fantasy XVI: it would be June 20, 2023, a date that fits with the forecasts of Square Enix, which only counted on a "first half of 2023".

The revival episode?

We have already known it for a while, the ambitions of Naoki Yoshida and his famous Creative Business Unit 3 is to offer the real revolution that the series has needed so much for several generations now. We're not going to put a coin back in the machine, but even if FFXIII and FFXV are appreciated by many players, we can't honestly say that they meet the same quality standards as their predecessors on Sony's 32 and 128 bits. . To stand out, FFXVI relies on its very frank turn towards supercharged action thanks to one of Devil May Cry's battle-designers in charge of the clashes. Finally, the few cutscenes seen in the various trailers suggest that the tone will be much more serious than usual, but to be able to judge it properly it will probably be necessary to wait until the end of June 2023.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!