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Final Fantasy 16: Crazy ambitions in the new trailer for the PS5 exclusive

Final Fantasy 16: Crazy ambitions in the new trailer for the PS5 exclusive

Square Enix and the CBU 3 led by Naoki Yoshida invite us to discover 4 new minutes of FF16 before its release in the summer of 2023. The opportunity to see that the plot will give pride of place to political shenanigans and that Clive is still just as with some gameplay.

After delighting your peepers a few weeks ago with a particularly exciting gameplay trailer, Square Enix's Creative Business Unit 3 shares a new Final Fantasy XVI video this time focused on the game's scenario, still scheduled for summer 2023 on PlayStation consoles and PC.

A trailer called Ambition

A new trailer focused on the characters, therefore, and the different kingdoms that you will have the opportunity to explore up and down and across next summer. This further sets the context for the scenario, which will likely be made up of a lot of politics between the different nations, each determined to protect the Eikon that protects their nation. The last part of the video is much more rhythmic, with gameplay sequences against gigantic bosses and crazy combos. On the other hand, no indication of what the future fights between Eikon will give: there should be original gameplay mechanics at each meeting of this type, but for the moment it is impossible to determine what will happen there and how the player will be active.

Final Fantasy XVI

There is time to see it coming

Announced a little while ago, FF16 recently entered the final phase of its development , which in no way means that it is about to be released. The teams are in the process of fine-tuning the game, for an expected release sometime next summer as we mentioned at the start of the article. With this sixteenth episode, the Final Fantasy saga is definitely changing towards the A-RPG, with one of the combat-designers of Devil May Cry 5 orchestrating the fights of this opus . Will he be able to keep his promises? Will the Creative Business Unit 3 manage to restore the image of the license, a bit tarnished by the XIII trilogy and FFXV? The answer is still far too long.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!