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Battlefield 2042: How the bot system works

Battlefield 2042: How the bot system works

EA and DICE have made the decision to supplement the lobbies with bots in order to fill them in the 128 player “All-Out Warfare” modes.

Battlefield 2042: How the bot system works

The system of bots that will fill the lobbies in case of missing players to start a game on Battlefield 2042 was discussed in the last FAQ launched by the developers.

The bots will be implemented based on the different game modes:

  • Multiplayer - bots will be used for stocking the servers, making finding a game faster
  • Coop - allows you to play with friends against AI soldiers
  • Solo - if you want to practice and hone your skills, it’ll be possible to face AI soldiers alone

Bots in Multiplayer 

AI soldiers are intended to play the same way a human might, however they are not able to be Specialists. They will be able to do a few things, including using the vehicle call system, capturing objectives or taking a place in one of the convoys.

Are Bots Necessary?

In the Total War mode — a combination of Conquest and Perseus modes — you won't be able to miss them, because their goal is to fill the lobbies. You’ll never encounter more bots than players, unless the match isn’t full. Players can’t prioritise bots over other players, and whenever a player joins a bot will be removed. 



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Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !