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Battlefield 2042: new details about the beta, cross-play, cross-progression and more

Battlefield 2042: new details about the beta, cross-play, cross-progression and more

According to a FAQ released today, DICE has revealed new information about the next installment in the Battlefield saga. Find out about cross-play, cross-save and other features.

Battlefield 2042: new details about the beta, cross-play, cross-progression and more

Battlefield 2042, the future online-only experience from the franchise, is back in the spotlight. The studio DICE has revealed several details about the game, including who you will be able to play against from your platform or what will happen with your online profile if you want to jump onto another platform.

To begin with, the Technical Playtest expected in the next few weeks was delayed. Apparently, it will be released before the end of the summer, but this information needs further confirmation.

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On another topic, players will be able to participate in these epic wars against users of different platforms. Cross-play was confirmed and it works the following way: PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and PC users can play against each other. Owners on PS4 can play against Xbox One players, and vice versa. However, owners of next-gen machines can’t fight against those from current-gen. This makes sense when you think that both PS4 and Xbox One players won’t be able to participate in the 128-player experiences. 

Finally, it was also revealed that DICE is working on cross-progression and cross-commerce. It looks like owners of the game on one platform will be able to jump onto another one and carry over all their progress and in-game purchases. 

Battlefield 2042 will be released on October 22.

EA unveils first look at Battlefield 2042

EA's and DICE's next entry in the popular series was officially announced today. Check out the cinematic trailer here.

Battlefield 2042 will have bots on some game modes to complete teams

It was confirmed by EA that both Conquest and Breakthrough modes will feature bots in order to keep the servers full during the new epic battles.

Xavi Mogrovejo

Cor Petit.