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LoL, Teamfight Tactics, TFT: future changes

LoL, Teamfight Tactics, TFT: future changes

Still in the test phase, TFT is already a success. To continue this momentum, Riot plans to make a lot of updates. Find the next Teamfight Tactics changes planned in this article.

LoL, Teamfight Tactics, TFT: future changes

More than 48 hours after the launch of Teamfight Tactics on the PBE, Riot looks back at the changes that should happen in the upcoming days. Essentially focused on two main points, these changes will directly impact the role of the Little Legends.


Upcoming Taamfight Changes

  • Set up a summary of round damage
  • More detailed statistics when you right-click on a unit
  • Fix as many bugs as possible before the official launch
  • A Ranked mode
  • Try to make the positioning of the units clearer. Riot plans to display a hexagonal grid permanently
  • Making PVE rounds more difficult
  • Make items combinations clearer without having to put them on a character

The Little Legends

Riot doesn't want to make little legends useful only in Teamfight Tactics. To do this, they had the idea of putting these little creatures in ARAM mode. Nevertheless, the creator of League of Legends does not want this to interfere with the gameplay of the players and may hinder them. The Little Legends will be on the side to encourage you and will run towards the Nexus when an enemy gets a little too close. You will be accompanied by your favorite creature throughout your ARAM. If all goes well, Riot will consider integrating them into other game modes.

Here comes the Draven nerf! - TFT Patch 06/20

This June 20th, Draven's long-awaited nerf has hit the PBE of Teamfight Tactics. 7 other heroes are impacted, such as Morgana, Aurelion Sol, Lulu or Miss Fortune. Some hero damage bugs are also fixed. Find all details below!

Summary of the AMA Reddit of June 20 with Riot Devs!

Riot takes care of her community and what she thinks of LoL Teamfight Tactics. The developers attended a Q&A session on June 20 to answer many of the questions they were asked. The following is a summary of the most important points.

Millenium Rédaction

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