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New World: Three new weapons leaked via new video

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New World: Three new weapons leaked via new video

A Twitter user has spotted three new weapons seemingly coming to New World via a gameplay video posted recently.

New World: Three new weapons leaked via new video

Following the announcement of the postponement of New World and details of an upcoming open beta, there's little news to be had until the new MMO is actually released.

However, an eagle-eyed community member spotted three new weapons during a video series from German channel RocketBeansTV promoting New World, in conjunction with Amazon Games.

ShowNwo posted about three new weapons coming to New World on Twitter. We already know a little about the first, the Void Gauntlets, as they were previously extracted from the game files by dataminer M4rx. From what we can see, this weapon takes the form of a glove, like the Ice Gauntlet, and could deal damage in the form of life drain.

In previous research by M4rx we also found that this weapon will be useful for inflicting debuffs on enemies, as well as providing bonuses to our party. The design has yet to be confirmed, but the screenshot posted by ShowNwo confirms that it has not changed since 2019.

This weapon was not really a secret, but this new information confirms the idea that the magic weapon will appear in New World.

There's also a glimpse at the blunderbuss. This is a firearm that should be used at medium range, unlike the musket and its long-range effectiveness.

Little information has been revealed about this weapon, but Amazon could reveal more the closer we get to the release.

Source: New World on Twitter - New World
Source: New World on Twitter

Finally, a weapon that interests us a lot was shown -- daggers. We've already come across some dagger-wielding elders in-game, formidable opponents.

Even though the screenshot in question doesn't show the design, ShowNwo is convinced they are daggers. We're also not talking about a single dagger, but two, thanks to a tooltip message:

"Dual wielding 1-Handed weapons for close ranged melee combat and short ranged throwing attacks."

It appears this weapon will be similar to the axe, which can be wielded both as a melee weapon and a ranged one. 

Source: ShowNwo via RocketBeans TV - New World
Source: ShowNwo via RocketBeans TV

For now, Amazon are remaining tight-lipped about these leaks, although the RocketBeans video now appears to have been removed or set to private.

Community members believe it's possible RocketBeans played on a so-called "dev" server that other players cannot join, allowing them to see features that didn't exist in the beta.

It's not known if these weapons will be available during the upcoming open beta or for the launch of New World, but they look the finished article. From ShowNwo's image, we can see that there are two free slots: one for a two-handed weapon, and one for a ranged weapon.

Original content: MGG France

José Ángel Mateo Albuerne

La barba más cuidada de los esports y videojuegos.