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LoL, Teamfight Tactics, TFT: live servers, release, patch 6/27

LoL, Teamfight Tactics, TFT: live servers, release, patch 6/27

D-Day has finally arrived. Teamfight Tactics, the new League of Legends game mode, hit the live servers shortly after the 9.13 Patch of League of Legends. The 27/06 Patch followed the release almost immediately.

Is TFT available on the Live Servers?

Update : 7:50 AM - June 28

The servers are roaring and TFT is LIVE!

All we wanted to do was to play Teamfight Tactics. We struggled for that. We fought for it. Those of us who owned a PBE account tried to play the game. Some of us succeeded. Using some kind of dark magic, we managed to survive the 14h long queue. Yeah, your eyes did not lie.

'Boss, I can't write my article.' - Teamfight Tactics
"Boss, I can't write my article."
Oh, wait. - Teamfight Tactics
Oh, wait.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's hype-o'clock!

This last week, it was almost impossible to play Teamfight Tactics because you could not even connect to the PBE. However, it did not stop the developers to update the game with several patches. If you want to understand how the game evolved to reach the current meta, you can find all patch notes on our dedicated portal.

During the night of June 26 to June 27, League of Legends welcomed a new member in Riot Games' family, and we can't stress enough our level of excitement!

EU broke it. Again.

A few hours after the live event, what happened on the PBE repeated itself on the EUW live servers. Faced with an incredible amount of connections, Riot Games devs chose to close access to TFT to avoid a server crash.

Sneaky devs and their sneaky Patch

On June 27, August Browning announced on its Twitter account that TFT devs immediately implemented a new patch after the live event on both PBE and Live servers.

Like Darius and Draven, it was only a matter of time before Garen's nerf. Even August Browning said it: "spinning is too good at winning."

Find all the maths below!

Garen - Nerf

Spinning is too good at winning (especially with Morellonomicon and tank items)

Judgement damage reduced from 540-1080 to 450-720

Rapid Firecannon - Bug fix

Fixed a bug where RFC would stop granting bonus range.

Ladies and gentlemen, gamers, your struggle is over. You don't need a PBE account anymore. Teamfight Tactics is available, without any queue. It's here. Right now. So, what are you waiting for?!


A beginner's guide to Teamfight Tactics

League of Legends Teamfight Tactics will arrive on the 26th of June on the PBE. And gameplay videos have just been released! Here is everything you need to know for a good start: resources, different phases of the game or anything else you will need to assemble your roster!

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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