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Genshin Impact: watch out for this character who could be free very soon!

Genshin Impact: watch out for this character who could be free very soon!

Do you think Dori is reason enough to spend your precious primogems? Before pulling the summons lever, know that this character could well be offered to you during patch 3.2.

Genshin Impact: watch out for this character who could be free very soon!

The second phase of Genshin Impact patch 3.0 banners is well in place. Luminescence adrift features Kokomi, Sucrose and Dori as headliners; an Electro character from Sumeru, who makes his entry here in mihoyo's RPG. For many players, Dori is another good reason to pull over this banner. But beware ! According to dataminer Ubatcha, recognized worldwide as a reliable source, Dori could be offered to you during patch 3.2.

A free character?

In Genshin Impact, there are times when specific events allow you to get this or that 4-star character for free. Last January, it was the character of Yun Jin that we could get without spending anything, thanks to the Lantern Festival.

With the next patch 3.2 scheduled for November 2, it seems that we will also be able to get our hands on a character, just by participating in event quests. And according to Ubatcha, this one would be Dori !

At the pleasure of Hoyoverse

However, Ubatcha insists on the fact that the character selections "offered" via the events are often modified at the last minute by the editor. Hoyoverse may very well remove Dori from the list of obtainable characters for free. And since patch 3.2 will only arrive in almost two months, there is a non-negligible probability that this choice will change. A leak to be taken with a grain of salt therefore, even if at the time of writing these lines, it remains reliable.

For more guides and tips on Genshin Impact, do not hesitate to consult our complete walkthrough of the game with all the character builds, the location of the resources to be collected in the world of Teyvat or the quests for each update.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!