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Disney Dreamlight Valley patch notes: Here are all the bugs the update fixes!

Disney Dreamlight Valley patch notes: Here are all the bugs the update fixes!

Wall-E's Bulb Quest, Lightning Intensity Reduction, Nintendo Switch Gameplay Improvements... Here's the huge list of bug fixes and other optimizations brought to Disney Dreamlight Valley via the Nintendo Switch update. Lion King this October 19, 2022.

Disney Dreamlight Valley's first free major content update is just around the corner - tomorrow, October 19, to be exact. Before discovering the big news that the Lion King update will bring from 3:00 p.m., the developers have already revealed the big corrections that will be made to the game: blocked quests, bugs and optimization for the Nintendo Switch, here is the complete patch note in French! We've bolded the most important fixes that many players have been waiting for.

The main corrections - Update October 19, 2022

Below is a summary of the most important fixes in the patch:

  • Improved stability and performance on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch .
  • Improved the granting of Founder's Pack items in player mailboxes. This should help resolve some issues that have persisted.
  • Improved cloud save system. In the event of a save conflict, players will now be prompted by an in-game pop-up to select the save file they wish to sync with. A screenshot is included later in these patch notes.
  • Reduced the intensity of thunderstorm lightning.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from picking up the bulb in WALL-E's house.
  • Stone Soup is now recognized as cooked for players who are stuck in Anna's "Nature Spirits" quest.
  • Fixed Souvenirs appearing in Scrooge's Shop counter.
  • Wild crops (mushrooms, spices, etc.) now respawn in a different location each morning. This means that crops spawning in inaccessible areas will not remain inaccessible and will respawn in a new location each day.
  • Rain now properly waters plants.
  • Improved the area where "The Honored Place" is saved in "The Ceremony" quest.

Now let's go to the full patch note in French:

Game improvements and optimization

  • Improved stability and performance on PlayStation 4
  • Improved stability and performance on Nintendo Switch
  • Optimized textures on PlayStation 4
  • Reduced the intensity of storm lightning
  • Improved interior lighting
  • Mickey, Merlin and Goofy went shopping and redecorated their house!
  • Improved furniture edit mode commands for controllers
  • Optimizing audio to reduce file size
  • Various performance optimizations across all platforms
  • Improved performance of large gardens
  • Reduced the number of mushrooms required for Merlin's quests
  • Wild crops (mushrooms, spices, etc.) now respawn in a different location each morning. This means that crops spawning in inaccessible areas will not remain inaccessible and will respawn in a new location each day.
  • The placement of some floating islands in the sky has been adjusted.
  • Campfires can now be crafted.
  • Improvements and optimizations to trees in the sunny plateau.
  • Reworded some quest objectives to make them clearer.
  • Improved water character navigation between bodies of water.
  • Water characters are more likely to be pulled towards the player when standing near a shore.
  • Donald Duck has finally reduced the duration of his temper tantrums.
  • Water characters will now be able to swim behind the skull rock instead of having to go inland to get from one side of the beach to the other.
  • Fixed a lag spike that occurred when it started to rain.
  • Rebalanced the appearance of wood in different biomes to make it easier to obtain different types of wood.
  • Inventory now stays open when opening item and pattern bags.
  • Improved the clarity of unlocked realms and those that have yet to be unlocked in the castle.
Disney Dreamlight Valley

Quest fixes and other bug fixes

Quest Progress

Anna (Ice Kingdom):

  • Stone Soup is now recognized as cooked for players who are stuck in Anna's "Nature Spirits" quest.


  • Elsa will now stay outside until you have the pickaxe buff to clear ice crystals.
  • Fixed a hang during the "Follow Elsa to explore the ice cave" objective.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from picking up the orange emblem in Elsa's cave.
  • The Fish Parmentier is now recognized as cooked for players who are stuck in the "Just Like Home" quest.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from fishing near the Skull Rock Raft.
  • Maui will no longer get stuck after smashing marine debris in the "A Tale of Stone and Fire" quest.


  • Mickey has an extra cracker recipe in his house waiting to be picked up by players stuck during the "Culinary Passion" quest.
  • Mickey will now wait for the player in his house during his initial gardening quest.


  • Minnie has an extra flowerpot in her house waiting to be picked up by players stuck during the "Language of Flowers" quest.
  • The clock tower will now be recognized by Minnie without having to create another one.


  • Improved the area in which the "altar" is registered in the quest "The Ceremony" of Moana.

    Mother Gothel

  • Fixed cases where the key was inaccessible in the Bayou of Trust.
  • Dawn Fragment is now recognized as available for players who are stuck in Mother Gothel's "Restore Sunstone" quest.


  • Catfish can be found near the Enchanted Beach docks for players who are stuck in Scrooge's "Not Good for Business" quest.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from picking up the bulb in WALL-E's house.

    Global item and location fixes

  • Fixed cases where characters could not talk to each other during "listen to conversation between" objectives.
  • Fixed inaccessible objects and memories,
  • Scrooge's store counter
  • Elsa's cave
  • Merlin's Library
  • Tilted table in Mickey's house
  • Prince Eric's Castle
  • Ursula's house
  • quiet meadow
  • Frozen Heights
  • Floating island in the Bayou de la Confiance
  • sunny plateau
  • Objects stuck in medium sized rocks in the forest
  • Items stuck in crafting tables
Disney Dreamlight Valley

Furniture editing mode

  • Meals, seeds and flowers can now be placed correctly on tables.
  • Doors to player houses no longer block certain objects such as radios.
  • Tableware can now be selected correctly when placed on a table.
  • The chessboard can now be selected correctly when placed on a table.
  • Furniture placed near the bridge in the plaza can now be selected correctly.
  • Furniture placed in the Sunny Plateau Elephant Graveyard can now be selected correctly.
  • Items placed on the stall can now be selected correctly.
  • Furniture placed near the Mystic Cave entrance can now be selected correctly.
  • Fixed issues picking up items from the ceiling
  • The island of Maui can now be selected correctly.

Other bug fixes

  • Improved the granting of Founder's Pack items in player mailboxes. This should help resolve some issues that have persisted.
  • Improved cloud save system. In the event of a save conflict, players will now be prompted by the following popup to select the save file they wish to sync with. Please note that "Yyy" in the screenshot below represents the field where your avatar's name will appear.
Disney Dreamlight Valley
  • Fixed character encounter points in Scrooge's Shop.
  • It is now easier to talk to Ursula in her house.
  • Fixed the position of some mining rocks to make it easier for characters to get to them.
  • Fixed an issue where Maui's islet and Minnie's house could not be selected in edit mode,
  • Fixed an issue that caused Donald's house to float,
  • Fixed floating objects at Remy and Goofy's stall.
  • Furniture from character houses that should not be available has been removed from the furniture menu and the Scrooge Store item stash.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the water to turn pink in Ursula's house.
  • Fixed an issue allowing players to enter Prince Eric's Castle shelf.
  • Water characters can no longer walk through rocks.
  • Fixed pickled herring meal icon
  • Small urban hedges no longer miss the interior of their model.
  • Removed two "test" items from Scrooge's store.
  • Fixed spawning fishing spots in Forgotten Lands rocks.
  • Adjusted the size and visual aspect of Constellation furniture for the Moana quest.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the Orchid Sparrow from granting rewards when receiving its Favorite Gift.
  • Rain now properly waters plants
  • Campfires now play a sound
  • The jingle when getting a "critical hit" now stops at the correct time.
  • Fixed streaming music to remove tracks that were triggering complaints
  • Fixed the prices of items appearing in the delivery system
  • Removed items from Random Bags, Scrooge's Shop, and Delivery System that shouldn't appear there.
  • Fixed game logo for Japanese and Chinese versions
  • Fixed the wrong skybox appearing in Scrooge's Store.
  • Fixed food disappearing from shelves in Chez Remy.
  • Fixed cases where characters were commenting on the wrong time of day. Goofy, however, will continue to get the times wrong.
  • Fixed cases of characters fishing the wrong way on the beach.
  • Fixed Ariel unlocking before repairing her house.
  • Removed various quest items that remained in players' inventories after completing a quest.
  • Removed unavailable items from the list of characters' daily favorites.
  • The magic crystal now correctly spawns on the pedestal in the Forgotten Lands during Ursula's quest.
  • Fixed exhaustion effect not displaying correctly
  • Various audio and SFX fixes
  • Player legs no longer shrink when wearing certain types of clothing.
  • Fixed issues affecting Mickey's eyes
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The days pass and the anger does not fall on the networks. Top Esports reportedly suffered a massive glitch in their loss to GAM, prompting their elimination. While a response from Riot is expected, it's radio silence for now.

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