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LoL: The Chinese victims of the biggest drama of the Worlds?

LoL: The Chinese victims of the biggest drama of the Worlds?

The days pass and the anger does not fall on the networks. Top Esports reportedly suffered a massive glitch in their loss to GAM, prompting their elimination. While a response from Riot is expected, it's radio silence for now.

Photo: LoL Esports

After Orianna's Ultimate, Gnar's Boomerang, and Turret Focus, another bug seems to have occurred during League of Legends Worlds. This one, however, is much more talked about than the others, for the simple and good reason that it possibly cost the qualification in the quarter-finals of a team.

The team that fell victim to this bug was Top Esports , the only LPL team that failed to make it into the top 8. While Riot Games is slow to react to calm discontent, we may have to witness the biggest scandal in Worlds history.

An astonishing situation in a very heavy context

The content creator Vandiril is once again at the origin of the controversy. His sharp eye must be giving organizers nightmares, as he brings to light bugs that don't really show off the game. and GAM (hen C). The heroic defense of the Vietnamese was beautiful to see. But it seems that they have benefited from a bug. Lucian ( JackeyLove ) lost his life while just a few attacks away from destroying the enemy Nexus. But he could or should have survived, if his Maw of Malmortius (MAW) had worked properly. The shield of his item would not have protected the ADC from the damage of Karthus' ultimate...

It's just a detail, but it may have made a huge difference. While the Chinese failed by a hair to destroy the Vietnamese base, GAM immediately ran straight to steal the victory. Following this defeat, TES took the door (3-3) when the team could theoretically have played first place via a theoretical tie-breaker. The bug needs to be verified, but if it happened, it's a huge scandal that deserves to be clarified.

Radio silence at Riot Games

League of Legends

The community strongly criticized the bug in question and expressed their displeasure. Beyond the bug, it is the lack of reaction from Riot Games that annoys. One would expect apologies or explanations in order to calm the crowds.

There is a world where the bug comes from the spectator mode rather than the item . Some also think that Vandiril is wrong and that he did not take into account the raw damage of the First Strike rune... It is complicated to position yourself without having all the data. But Riot Games better speak up to avoid the fire.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!