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Which present to open in Fortnite to get the Millennium Falcon

Which present to open in Fortnite to get the Millennium Falcon

Winterfest allows players to open a present in the cabin every day. Some are much more esteemed than others! Among the most coveted cosmetics, we can find at the foot of the Christmas tree the famous Millennium Falcon from the Star Wars saga.

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Santa Claus is ahead of Fortnite this year, and has decided to spoil us for 14 days with daily presents. The new Winterfest lobby is quite enchanting and puts you in the shoes of a child wavering between a multitude of gifts.

You should know that the gift list is fixed, and that you'll choose a gift every day from a list of 14 cosmetics. However, one of the packages is a little different from the others and will always contain a major item from the Fortnite x Star Wars collaboration: the Millennium Falcon.

In the right-hand corner as you enter the cabin, you'll find a package that molds the shape of the famous Star Wars spaceship. Good job! This package will contain the glider you've been waiting for! By shaking the package with Q (default key), the most impatient among you will be able to hear the sound of its engines, before opening it!

Fortnite Winterfest: All presents you can open in the Lodge

Fortnite Winterfest is at its peak, and every day you can now open a new gift from the Lodge. You've been given a list of all the Fortnite presents you can expect during these 14 days of Christmas.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.

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