The Descent of Dragon expansion has been released in Hearthstone, and we now have a good idea about the useful cards to craft. Here is our selection of Hunter cards that may be useful to you.
This is just the result of various collections of information, you don't have to do it to get a competitive deck. Read the descriptions of the cards before creating them, to see if they can match the decks you want to have.
Shaman received some very good cards with the expansion, which earned him two big nerfs from Blizzard! Despite this, Galakrond Shaman is still really interesting in the ladder. All three cards use the keyword added with the latest expansion: Invoke, which gives your Galakrond more power, while invoking a 2/1 with Rush. All three are indispensable to the deck, and very powerful within it.
Other expansions
Shudderwock, Far Sight, and Sludge Slurper remain three extremely important cards in the Shaman archetypes. If you want to play this class don't hesitate to craft them!