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Final Fantasy 7 Remake: here is everything we know about the Turks

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: here is everything we know about the Turks

Find out what the Tokyo Game Show 2019 trailer teaches us about the Turks in FF7 Remake with our article covering all the highlights of the video.

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Final Fantasy 7 Remake was unveiled a little bit more thanks to a Tokyo Game Show 2019 trailer. With this new video of less than 3 minutes, Square Enix continues to satisfy the fans, while making them understand that it will be a title very different from the one they knew in the past. In this article, we will come back to all the new information distilled during the trailer.

The Turks

The Turks are a bit like the Team Rocket of Final Fantasy 7: this special unit of the Shinra comes indeed to block the progress of Cloud and his friends many times in the original game and it seems to be the same in this remake. The characters seen are (from left to right, or from top to bottom on mobile) :

  • Reno: Bragging and very energetic, Reno never leaves his electric baton. He is the first Turk crossed in FF7.
  • Rude: Reno's brother in arms. Although he's a calm, natural-born man, he's never afraid to fight...
  • Tseng: Tseng is in charge of the 3 main units of the Turk, Reno, Rude and Elena.

At the time of writing, Elena's "remake version" has not yet been presented.


Two new summons explode onto the screen in this new gameplay video, bringing the number of known summons to 5, counting those unveiled with the game's pre-order bonuses. Ifrit and Shiva will also be able to join the battlefield to lend Avalanche a helping hand. In combat, the summoning process seems to work a little differently than before: as in FF10 or 12, the red materials will act as additional allies, even if the player still seems to have control over some of their attacks. In the same vein, the "transformation" magic will also be in the remake, to be able to metamorphose targets into toads.

Wall Market and Don Corneo

It was a big question for this remake: Will Square Enix remake THE sequence in which Cloud has to walk through the Wall Market to be the prettiest girl? With this TGS 2019 trailer, everything indicates that the answer is yes. It also marks the return of the cowardly Don Corneo, the thug reigning on the Wall Market. It's a cult moment, in a cult area of the FF7 from 1997 and to see the squat mini game brought back to life is great news.

A scenario turned upside down

The cutscenes observed in this video allow us to confirm, if it was still necessary, that the course of events will not be at all the same as in the original game. No spirit has ever attacked the 7th Heaven sector, there has never been a motorbike phase with Jesse, Cloud doesn't meet Sephiroth in Midgar etc. Square Enix will therefore shake up the fans a bit and hopefully offer a much more detailed version of the Midgar Act of FF7. As a reminder, FF7R will be distributed in episodic format, an episode equivalent to a full 40-hour game, according to SE's statements.

A new character

The umpteenth proof of what we were saying just above: an unpublished character makes his appearance. Unknown to the battalion, this new antagonist uses his motorcycle like Kadaj and his brothers in the film Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children. No concrete information has been revealed about him yet, so we'll have to be patient before knowing more about him.

FF7 Remake Release Date Delayed

In a message from the development team, Square Enix have announced that the release date for the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Remake will be pushed back to April 10, 2020.

Bastien Dubosq-Luyer

Tests, guides et plus si affinités... Vous apporte son aide depuis 2012 sur vos AAA favoris.

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