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Guide LoL Ivern, Jungle, S10

Guide LoL Ivern, Jungle, S10

Ivern Jungle League of Legends Season 10 Guide - Find our tips, items, and runes to play the Green Father, wich costs 6300 Blue Essence.

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Early Game

  • Even if Ivern doesn't need jungler item, it is mandatory to start with the Hunter's Talisman to get to level two with the first camp and benefit from the mana regeneration offered by the item. You can add a Reffilable Potion to your starting inventory.


  • Boots of Mobility are very interesting to get some vision on the map or just join your team quicly.
  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity are also an option to reach the 40% cooldown reduction.

Core Items

  • Being played as support Ivern will need the basic support kit like a Redemption, Locket of the Iron Solari and the Athene's Unholy Grail

Situational Items

  • Mikael's Crucible is a very good item to protect your team from controls.
  • Knight's Vow is an option if you want to play close to your ADC.

Playing Ivern

Ivern is a "Support" jungler aiming to help his team and protect them with his very specific set of abilities.
His passive for instance makes Ivern a very unique jungler requiring little knowledge.

  • First camps: It is mandatory to get level 3 quickly, simply activate your passive on the Blue Sentinel or your Red Branbleback, same goes for your Razorbeaks and your second buff on wich you'll use your Smite. Go back and activate your passive on the first buff and a multi camp. You can then go on an other camp and use your Smite to get level 3.
  • Ganks and Objectives: Ivern's strengh during ganks is the combo of his Q - Rootcaller and E - Triggerseed damaging and slowing enemies on top of shielding your allies.


Xin Zhao
Lee Sin

Tips & Tricks

  • At level 5 Friend of the forest allows Ivern to share his red and blue buffs with a member of his team.
  • Q - Rootcaller can be used on monsters in the jungle to dash on them and move quickly.
  • A brush created by W - Brushmaker is not displayed on the map, try to use them wisely to gank your lanes.
  • You can use R - Daisy! to tank towers during dives.
  • Use Q - Rootcaller before R - Daisy! so that Daisy spawn right on your enemies. You can even add E - Triggerseed to spice the combo.
  • You can cast E - Triggerseed to slow enemies down and make landing your Q - Rootcaller easier.
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