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LoL Guide Kha'Zix, Jungle, S10

LoL Guide Kha'Zix, Jungle, S10

Kha'Zix Jungle League of Legends Season 10 Guide - Check out our tips, items and runes to play The Voidreaver.

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Kha'Zix is a physically damaging assassin, a mobile champion capable of inflicting great damage. He orients his objects towards lethality and CDR.


  • Boots of Mobility is the choice for snowballing. You will have a lot of presence on the map.
  • Ninja Tabi and Mercury Threads are to be preferred if the enemy team is regrouping quickly or if an enemy champion can kill you without you being able to reach him.

Core Items

  • Duskblade of Draktharr and Youmuu's Ghostblade are two lethal items that synergize very well with your kit. R - Void Assault will update the Draktharr's liabilities and the Youmuu will allow you to hit your targets without being spotted.

Situational Items

  • Black Cleaver is essential if you play against tanks and/or if you are not at your best in the game.
  • Edge of Night and Umbral Glaive will bring you extra lethality. In addition, Edge of Night makes you immune to an enemy spell. Umbral Glaive allows you to remove the enemy's vision from around you.
  • Guardian Angel gives you a second chance if the enemy team gets their hands on you. Don't forget to use the Stopwatch beforehand.

How to play Kha'Zix

Your goal at the beginning of the game is to get as much experience as possible from your first jungle cleanup to quickly reach your level 6. To do this, 4 or 5 camps is the best option.

To start your jungle, Red is the most optimal. Ask for a little help from your allies on the lower path so you don't suffer too much damage.

For your ultimate: Q -> E - > W

  • Level 1: Choose Q - Taste their Fear to help you finish your Red quickly.
    Level 2: Head towards the Raptors and use the zone damage of W - Void Spike to avoid losing too many health points.
  • Level 3: E - Leap allows you to quickly reach the enemies' close quarters by jumping on them. As Kha'Zix has no controls, focus on allies who do have them to maximise your chances of success on the ganks.

Like any aggressive jungle fighter, your objective is to focus on weak targets to quickly get ahead of the game. If you don't see an opportunity, go back to your camps.

As soon as you reach level 6, choose the evolution of Q - Taste their Fear to do more damage on isolated targets and become a monster in duel. From that moment on, if you have the advantage, don't hesitate to hunt down the opponent's jungler and steal his camps.

As soon as your mastery of the champion becomes optimal, the evolution of the R - Void Assault becomes a very interesting alternative at level 6, allowing you to move stealthily from bush to bush to surprise your enemies.

Equip yourself as soon as possible with the Oracle Lens to suppress your opponent's vision. In this way you increase your dominance on the map and force the opposing team to take risks that you will be able to punish.

If the opposing jungler is on the opposite side of the map, you can perform the Dragon alone from level 7.

In team combat, never engage in combat, inflict long distance damage several times with W - Void Spike. Wait until one of your teammates draws the focus of the opposing team. Once your enemies have used their resources, jump on a weak or badly positioned target to assassinate it.


Master Yi
Xin Zhao
Lee Sin

Tips & Tricks

  • Play as much as possible with the bushes and the opponent's sight to make the best use of your liabilities.
  • Always target isolated opponents to increase your chances of killing them.
  • Your enhanced E - Leap can allow you to chain assassinations, as each death or assist refreshes the spell's recovery time.
  • Enemies are considered isolated when they have no allies nearby. The damage of your next basic attack will be considerably increased against them, which synergizes well with the Duskblade of Draktharr.
  • As for the advanced forms of your spells, they will be available at levels 6, 11 and 16.
  • You can delay an attack and confuse the opposing team with your R - Void Assault, which makes you invisible for a few seconds.
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