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LoL Guide and Build: How to Jungle with Olaf in S10

LoL Guide and Build: How to Jungle with Olaf in S10

Guide Olaf Jungle League of Legends season 10 - Discover our tips to play the Berserker, who costs 3150 Blue Essences.

LoL Guide and Build: How to Jungle with Olaf in S10
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League of Legends


Starting Items

Start with Hunter's Machete accompanied by a Refillable Potion to get the health regeneration needed to survive easily in your jungle.


We recommend you to opt for Mercury's Treads or Ninja Tabi depending on the type of damage the opponent team uses and the number of crowd controls they have.

Core Items

  • Go for the Stalker's Blade with the Warrior enchantment
  • Black Cleaver offers you CD reduction, good aggressive and defensive stats, enough to demolish your opponent's armor; and the Phage's passive will make up for your lack of mobility.
  • Guardian Angel is the logical continuation to allow you to finish your game, and it allows you to stay low alive twice — not negligible since Olaf is all the more dangerous when he is wounded. Remember to use your Stopwatch beforehand.

Situational Items

  • Righteous Glory will be ideal to be more resistant, and above all, to run in the middle of the enemy team and engage in nice skirmishes/teamfights.
  • Sterak's Gage's passive will help you withstand the aggression of a team with a lot of crowd controls.
  • Spirit Visage is a perfect item for Olaf if you need magical resistance, as the item's passive greatly increase the Viking's survivability.
  • If you need more armor, Dead Man's Plate will give you the stats you need while adding a very nice passive to your set.
  • Against AD-dominant compositions or against an AD match-up range (Quinn, Vayne, etc.), use the Thornmail.

How to play Olaf

Olaf has an excellent midgame thanks to his first items, but he will run out of steam at the end of the game, being unable to support a huge burst against a team that has acquired all his items. As jungler, he is able to clean extremely fast — don't hesitate to stay low HP to make it faster.

Jungle path example

  • Blue Sentinel
  • Wolves
  • Raptors
  • Red Brambleback
  • Krugs
  • Scuttler (it spawn at 3:15)


As Olaf, you have to get the most out of your power spike (after your first back up to your 2 items). After this time, you won't have as many possibilities and the enemy carries will be able to kill you very quickly.



Tips & Tricks

  • If you're already under the disabling effect of an enemy, R - Ragnarok won't cure it. Try to cast your ultimate before engaging the fight.
  • Remember to pick up your axe after casting Q - Undertow to reduce the cooldown. In the jungle, throw it at your feet, so you only have to take a tiny step to pick it up.
  • W - Vicious Strikes gives you attack speed and lifesteal. If you don't have much life left, you can become a real war machine against an enemy that has no burst left to finish you off.
Lyderic Lefebvre

Pirate Enthusiast

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