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LoL Guide, Yorick, Top, S10

LoL Guide, Yorick, Top, S10

Yorick Top League of Legends Season 10 Guide - Check out our tips, items and runes to play The Shepherd of Souls.

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Early game

Yorick starts the game with the Corrupting Potion in order to get regeneration and more damage when he harasses his opponent.


Here you can choose resistance shoes with the Ninja Tabi against physical damage or Mercury's Treads if magical damage predominates.

Core Items

  • Trinity Force is an excellent item on Yorick, who benefits a lot from Spellblade. However, in the face of a lot of physical damage, you may prefer the Iceborn Gauntlet.
  • Titanic Hydra is an additional tool for push and defense thanks to the HPs awarded.
  • In a semi-defensive and offensive perspective, Sterak's Gage fits well with Yorick's spell and item set.

Situational Items

Yorick still needs to defend in the middle and end of the game to take damage and hold on for a long time in melee:

Armor items:

  • Thornmail is a good choice against AD carrys and healings.
  • Randuin's Omen is a lifesaver against critical hits and mobility.
  • Dead Man's Plate increases your mobility and damage without neglecting armor and HPs.

Magic Resistance items:

  • Spirit Visage enhances Yorick's healing and regeneration.
  • Adaptive Helm can be more useful if the magic damage is really big.

Other Items:

  • Warmog's Armor is a "hybrid" defensive solution because the HPs are ultimately a defense system against physical and magical damage.
  • Guardian Angel is an all-purpose tool that doesn't neglect armor or physical damage.

How to play Yorick

  • Level 1: Q - Last Rites is your main spell and will allow you to make your ghouls appear.
  • Level 2: E - Mourning Mist will allow you to harass your opponent with your ghouls.
  • Level 3: W - Dark Procession will allow you to severely punish your opponent's placement errors when you have your ghouls and E - Mourning Mist is ready.
  • Level 6: R - Eulogy of The Isles will greatly increase your damage in 1v1, and will allow you to strongly push your lane, don't hesitate to use it if your opponent makes the mistake of moving a little too far from the toplane.



Tips & Tricks

  • The spell W - Dark Procession can block narrow passages of the fault. Use it to secure an escape or condemn your opponents.
  • Use Q - Last Rites to always have graves on the line and be able to respond to an aggression, or prepare a gank.
  • E - Mourning mist makes damage according to the current life points of the target. So use this spell first when trading.
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