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Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem: Beginner's guide

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem: Beginner's guide

Discover our tips, tricks and advice to come out victorious and alive from the clashes against hordes of monsters and Wolcen's bosses. Attributes, skills, equipment, way of playing etc. We go through it all.

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While Wolcen is easy to handle and its mechanisms are close to those of most of today's big hack 'n slashes, it also has its own set of features and systems that can be intimidating. Here are a few explanations in each area, as well as some basic tips on how to play well.

Create your character

  • By default, the game will offer you to create a character online, so that you can play with other people. If you want to be able to play without a connection (or with a bad connection), and/or you prefer to play solo, you can choose the offline option in the top right corner of the screen. Please note that an offline character cannot be converted into an online character and vice versa.
  • The choice of genre only has an impact on the dialogue and cutscenes. The choice of weapon and the starting "class" will influence your start of the game, but it's easy to redirect you to something else. There are no 'true' classes and you can create the one you want.

How to gain levels

  • After the introduction, you will regularly gain levels, which will earn you 10 attribute points to invest. Try to keep a maximum of 3 types, 2 would be better, as your lowest attribute doesn't improve your damage unlike the others. If you don't know what you're going to do yet, investing in Vigour first, then Ferocity or Agility is usually not a bad choice. It's possible to reallocate these points for gold.
  • The Wheel of Liabilities is vast, but not so complex. The colors indicate what type of class profile the spheres are generally aimed at: Blue/violet for Wizard, Green for Assassin/Remote Class and Red for Melee Brute or Tanks. Small spheres are pure passive bonuses, large spheres are either much more powerful or oriented towards a specific style of gameplay such as spells, ranged shots or cashing in for example, sometimes with counterparts.
  • The passive wheel can rotate, allowing you to create your own class by aligning the squares in a way that suits you. The second wheel will clearly orient you to a certain role, and the last wheel is the complex specialization that will introduce new resources and force you to play differently. There are 90 levels in total and you can reallocate your points, so don't worry too much.
  • If it helps, decide what your defence will be based on, it can be force shields, or dodging or resistances or blocking for example, so that you can concentrate on the corresponding spheres and survive, you can't ignore them.


  • Spells and techniques are not unlocked by leveling up, but by obtaining items called Enneracts. They can be found on the ground, or bought for 2000 gold coins in Demetra in town. We advise you to make this your top priority, you need 5 useful skills equipped as quickly as possible. All equipped skills will automatically gain experience and levels in battle, unlocking special powers that are somewhat similar to the runes in Diablo 3, but more flexible.
  • The merchant's inventory changes regularly, so it's a good idea to check it out and buy the skills that make you look good. There are dozens of them, and a few for all styles of play. Just be very careful about the requirements for a fully equipped weapon, spells require a stick for example, ranged techniques require a bow or a revolver, etc. This will be the main limit in what you can use at the same time.
  • You will accumulate Affinity that's is primordial in battle as well as using Enneracts. This will allow you to buy levels quickly for your favorite skills in Demetra. This is a great way to quickly strengthen your main attack, for example.
  • Watch out for the skill tags to know what mechanisms are linked to them.
    It's better to have a skill that specialises in monocible damage, one for zone damage, one for mobility or defence, and possibly powerful cooldown or summoning techniques for example.


  • Everything works between the 2 resource bars that function as communicating vessels: Will and Rage. Using a technique that consumes willpower will increase your rage and vice versa. By default, your first skill will consume a resource with the right click, and your first weapon will regenerate it with the left click. Some skills and talents allow you to handle things more subtly, especially if you play a hybrid and alternate attacks of different types.
  • A good way to regenerate your main resource between battles is to attack scenery items such as pots, crystals, eggs and more with your weapon.


  • The system is a bit similar to Diablo 3's system for potions, except that you can have several different types of potions. Feel free to use them if you need them especially on bosses because they recharge. If you can't activate your potions, try other keys.
  • Rolls (space bar by default) will save your life countless times, especially on elite enemies and bosses. There is almost always a red marker displayed on the ground when a devastating attack is about to be unleashed, it's usually a circle for a ranged area effect, or a rectangle that starts under the enemy's feet and indicates the trajectory of his charge.
  • However, this is not always the case for some mega boss attacks that have a distinct visual effect. You should use the invincibility of the roll to get through (especially the boss at the end of the first chapter). Beware though, rolls are linked to endurance, you have 4 points by default, you can't just chain the rolls endlessly.
  • If a fight is difficult, don't hesitate to move back if the terrain allows it, in order to distance a part of the enemies, not to risk attracting reinforcements and to give you time to recharge your resources, your life, your shield and your skills.
  • Don't hesitate to search the map and visit the nooks and crannies, there are often chests. The optional mini-donjons are marked by green stairs, they're usually worth the detour.
  • From the 2nd chapter you unlock the overpowering apocalyptic form, it can be activated with R. We advise you to keep it for difficult situations, especially bosses. When you are about to die, using it will make you invincible, but when it ends, or if you stop it early to preserve your gauge, your health points will return to the previous level.


  • One of the most complex parts of the game is choosing the right equipment. The reason for this is that you will find items for all possible specializations, or you will be able to choose between different items. We won't detail all the stats one by one, but be aware that some equipment bonuses may be useless or even harmful to the build you are trying to create. Let us quote for example a bonus of speed of attack if you launch spells, even a bonus of rage whereas you play mage and that you prefer the will. It will thus be necessary to be careful and to think about what you use or not.
  • The system of Shrine and gems are a little complex too. There are different types of Shrine, recognizable by their color, but also different levels for the same type of Shrine. A defensive shrine will not have the same effect as a defensive II shrine, even if you have used the same gem. It's not really a hierarchy, just variety. So pay attention to the precise type of the shrine, and observe the corresponding properties of your gems. You can buy gems from the merchant on the left in town, it's a good way to select the type of bonus you want. It also allows you to remove the gems or change the shrines, for example.
  • Go back to town regularly with a portal to sell your items (blue, then yellow, as you progress) in order to get gold to spend on skills and gems. The equipment merchant can also give you a strong boost at the beginning when you don't have good rings or a good amulet yet.
Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem: Basic Mage Build

Are the attribute and passive choices in the Gates of Fate making you dizzy? You don't know which skills to choose? Here's a guide with some tips on how to create an effective spellcaster.

Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager

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