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Resident Evil 3: Remake tips to get started

Resident Evil 3: Remake tips to get started

Here's a list of tips and other things to know before you get going in Resident Evil 3, whether playing as Jill or Carlos.

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Resident Evil veterans shouldn't get too lost with Resident Evil 3, even if there are some changes to consider in the gameplay.

However, there are still some things that are highly useful to know before you set off on your mission. We've listed some of what we think are key tips below.

There's no point in killing him unless there are items to pick up nearby.

1 - Don't underestimate the basic zombies

  • In the first part of the game with Jill, it's best to avoid fighting. It's a waste of time and ammunition killing all the zombies on the streets. Use dodge and perfect dodge to avoid fights. Be aware that zombies can't open doors. The equivalent of Carlos' dodge, the punch, is a very powerful alternative to make room for yourself to move.
  • Headshots are not easy to land, and in most cases you'll need several of them to down an enemy. Try to keep your distance first, as you won't know when a zombie is going to die.
  • Particularly vicious, the zombies in Resident Evil 3 love to play dead — getting up when you're not looking or when you're within range. Check corpses with a knife.
  • The shotgun will become your best friend once it is unlocked. Ammunition is abundant with crafting, and you can kill almost all zombies with one or two shots to the head.
Mix the two kinds of powder to create ammunition.

2 - Search everything, and manage your inventory well

  • Destroy wooden crates with a knife, not a bullet.
  • If the area is marked red on the map, there are still items to pick up. If it's blue, you can move on to the next. Items that are locked in one way or another are indicated by an exclamation mark.
  • Combine powders and plants. Place what you can in the trunk. Stack ammunition.
  • When a trash can icon appears on a tool or object, you can throw it away without regret. The Bolt Cutter is the first example.

3 - Handle the Nemesis properly

  • Conventional weapons don't work on him, but electric generators, explosive barrels (red) and the grenade launcher are effective. Knocking him to the ground will cause him to drop weapon parts or ammunition during the unscripted phases. Cutting a chain or picking a lock will also cause him to pause. Take advantage of the time saved to flee.
  • Chain dodges to escape the Nemesis. Entering a building will also temporarily stop him from catching up to you — he respects private property.
  • In boss battles against the Nemesis, there is always a particular weak point to aim for or a special action to perform.

4 - Make good use of your grenades

  • A problem mainly during Carlos' parts, as he doesn't have a grenade launcher. You'll have to try to keep your frag grenades and flash bangs for the Hunter Betas in the hospital, and for defending the entrance against the hordes.
  • As soon as you cross at least three zombies with Jill, you can fire a grenade — preferably an incendiary, as you'll find a lot of those. The explosive ones are better for big enemies, and the acid ones for Hunter Betas.
Your worst nightmare, the Hunter Beta
Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager

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