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WoW: Maldraxxus, Shadowlands Zone

WoW: Maldraxxus, Shadowlands Zone

Maldraxxus is one of the areas of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. In this article, we will focus on this unwelcoming pestilential zone but within which order and discipline matter the most.

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World of Warcraft : Shadowlands introduces four new zones that players can visit during the expansion. In this article, we invite you to discover Maldraxxus, an area where the fiercest fighters in Azeroth go after their death. It is governed by the Covenant of the Necrolords.

Within war-torn Maldraxxus, might —of all kinds— makes right. Here, in the birthplace of necromantic magic, those who master the powers of death turn legions of ambitious souls into relentless undead armies.

Maldraxxus total opposite of Bastion is a war-torn zone, with its denizens being equally shaped by eternal war. Ruled by the Necrolord Covenant, Maldraxxus serves as the heart of the Shadowlands' military might and home to usually considered wicked beings such as abominations and necromancers, although beings in Maldraxxus are not inherently evil - Only shaped by the constant prospect of war and might.

Maldraxxus Preview

Unfortunately, the ruler of this dark kingdom has recently passed away and the five most eminent Necrolords of the surrounding area are vying to take his place. They are enlisting thousands of newly arrived souls from the Shadowlands into their personal guard to create an army of unprecedented size.

No one knows whether they will fight each other or join forces to besiege the other kingdoms of Shadowland and beyond.

Among the iconic souls found in Maldraxxus is the mother of a former warlord of the Horde: Drakka.

WoW: Overview of Bastion, one of the areas of Shadowlands

The Bastion is one of the areas of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. In this article, we will focus on this paradise-like area concealing many mysteries, as well as a terrible reality threatening its inhabitants...


Chef des portails WoW Shadowlands, WoW Classic, Burning Crusade Classic et Lost Ark. J'aime tous les MMO, sauf ceux que je n'ai pas cités dans cette signature.

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