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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough: Airbuster Boss Guide

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough: Airbuster Boss Guide

Following your exploits at Mako Reactor 5 in Chapter 7 of Final Fantasy VII Remake, be prepared to face perhaps your toughest challenge yet — the Airbuster. Our walkthrough helps you identify its strengths and weaknesses for an easier battle.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough: Airbuster Boss Guide
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Here is one more Shinra's Robot that you will have to desolder in Final Fantasy VII Remake while waiting for a Gundam to appear. Much more formidable than the Crab Warden, the Airbuster includes scriptwriting preparations and unprecedented combat mechanisms. As always, it will ask you to properly use the abilities of all members of the core group, i.e. Cloud, Barret and Tifa.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Weaken the Airbuster

During their progression in the Mako reactor N ° 5, you will cross a series of rooms with reactor maps that will allow you to remove certain components of the boss to make it simpler. There are a total of 4 cards, for 10 components, so you will have to make choices. Be aware that you don't have to use the cards in the room where you find them.

You have 3 options to use the cards, remove the AI cores which will reduce the frequency of use of finger lasers. Remove the bombs which will reduce the number of submunitions when it bombs the area. Or remove the M Units, which has no impact, but you will get various consumables (Ether bottles etc.) but nothing fantastic. Nothing is really mandatory, but we suggest removing 2 bombs and 2 AI programs, which will make these skills more manageable.

Preparations & Materia

  • A bench and a vending machine will allow you to rest in a room a little before the boss, this will allow you to approach the fight in great shape.
  • The weakness of the Airbuster is Lightning , as with all robots. We therefore advise you to equip a Lightning Materia to each member of the group. This will give you an easy option to deal critical damage to him and fill up his shock bar. This is particularly important here since it's out of melee range at times. Linking basic Materia with lightning Materia on Cloud or Barret is probably a good idea.
  • Having one or more group members equip Healing Materia is also highly recommended. Giving self-healing Materia or similar items to your teammates can allow you to focus on your own survival.
  • You will probably want to directly control Barret during certain phases of the fight, so do not give him Materia reserved for non-active characters.

Airbuster Boss skills

Note: The boss sheet does not include the majority of his skills, please excuse the approximate names for his attacks.

  • Finger lasers: Fire a dozen lasers at a single target which inflicts heavy damage and can paralyze. This technique does not seem to be avoidable.
  • Big Bomber: The Aerodestructor moves away and bombs the area with dozens of projectiles. Their number depends on the active components. Get out of their impact zone quickly.
  • Mega laser: The ultimate technique of the boss, he will target your active character and charge this attack, you can not miss it. The trick is to quickly run away from the group, shifting laterally. The boss will rotate to keep you in line of sight, but it will come to a stop just before firing, which will give you time to dodge and then return to melee to attack it. It's important to place the laser correctly when it is in the "corridor".
  • Flamethrower (fire): A devastating area attack that will literally incinerate your life. The easiest way is to avoid standing in front of the boss while charging this attack. If he turns in your direction and presents the palm of his hands, move away.
  • Punching: The boss will raise his arms before repeatedly hitting the area in front of him. As with the flame thrower, move away.


  • One of the special aspect of this fight is that the terrain terribly benefits the boss. During the first phases, it will completely block the gangway which will prevent you from going behind it. This means that you cannot get around it. It's better to be patient and quit melee combat when preparing for a big attack.
  • In the early stages of combat, you should keep your mana unless you are willing to use Ether bottles afterwards. Using Lightning spells will greatly speed up the confrontation.
  • The Air Buster will activate its arms during its second phase, they can then be targeted. But since they are too high, they are difficult to attack with Cloud and Tifa, he will probably be better focused on the boss himself.
  • From the 3rd phase, the fight passes on the large bridge, with the AirBuster which will alternate the combats in melee and the combats at distance. When he's away, he'll bomb you, so be on the alert. Now is the time to use your Lightning spells with Tifa and Cloud. Take direct control of Barret to attack with his heavy shot (triangle) between and load his action bar faster.
  • When the AirBuster comes back in melee, it will alternate between the flame thrower, the punches and the mega laser, it will therefore be necessary to closely monitor what is its action in court, and prepare to move away urgently so as not to not roast or flatten.
Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager

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