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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 8 Walkthrough: Paying Respects Sidequest

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 8 Walkthrough: Paying Respects Sidequest

An infestation at the Sector 5 Slums graveyard is preventing a man from visiting his wife’s final resting place. In this Final Fantasy VII sidequest it's up to Cloud to clear out the monsters, but first he'll need to find the key. Our walkthrough guides you through it.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 8 Walkthrough: Paying Respects Sidequest
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One of the last side quest of chapter 8 of Final Fantasy VII Remake will ask you to have completed the other quests available in order to be able to complete it. To start, having completed the Weapons on a Rampage side quest is a prerequisite simply to accept it. Here's all you need to know to finish it with Cloud and Aerith. The Scared Man will then direct you to an old man in front of the barracks of the arms dealer.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Paying Respects

  • Quest Giver: Old Man
  • Reward: Studded Bracer, HP and MP restored

As you learn from the old man, there are two conditions to be fulfilled to validate this quest. The first is that you need the graveyard key. You can buy it from the Moogle seller (Moggie) in the Children’s Secret Hideout, in exchange for a Moogle medal. However, you must have completed your mini quest before, which requires you to buy a membership card for another medal.

Once the key in hand, go to the back alley in the landfill. The Slum Public Cemetary is located in the Nuts n’ Bolts Hills area. You will have to open the cemetery in front of which you passed on the way, but whose door was closed. A group of Venomantis awaits you there. Bring ice Materia to kill them more easily. Anti-poison talisman can also help reduce the damage. In any case, you will have to be mobile and prepare to dodge laterally, because these monsters are very aggressive, they like to jump.

You can then warp back to the Old Man and get your rewards.

Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager

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