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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 12 Walkthrough: Reno & Rude Boss Guide

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 12 Walkthrough: Reno & Rude Boss Guide

After climbing the pillar in Chapter 12 of Final Fantasy VII Remake, Cloud and Tifa join Barret for a rematch with the Turks. Here's all you need to know about this boss fight, including strengths, weaknesses, and the ideal strategy.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 12 Walkthrough: Reno & Rude Boss Guide
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It's a classic that Final Fantasy VII Remake is not immune to, that of facing former bosses, but together. The duo formed by Reno and Rude was obviously made for this, and the whole chapter serves to prepare you for this confrontation. While Aerith is busy saving little girls, you will reform the core team, with Cloud, Barret and Tifa.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Planning & Materia

  • A bench and a vending machine will allow you to rest in a room a little before the boss.
  • Note: It has been a long time since Barret participated in combat, and you will not have the opportunity to review his equipment and Materia to prepare him for combat. Go through the group's management panel to assign him the equipment and Materia he will nee. Don't forget to upgrade his weapon.
  • Note: As with Eligor, there are items to steal from both Reno and Rude, excellent bracelets. We strongly suggest that you equip the Steal Materia on Tifa.
  • Reno has no weakness. Rude, on the other hand, is vulnerable to Wind. Favor the Wind Materia. That said, you can also simply use physical damage and improve the performance of your characters. The Steadfast Block Materia are particularly useful on these two.

Boss skills

  • Reno and Rude are similar to the first fight, with a few additions. Reno in particular is much more stronger, he can trigger long zigzag attacks, as well as multiple painful electric balls, capable of electrocuting a member of the group.
  • While in the helicopter, Rude will strafe the area and fire a napalm bomb during a scripted passage.
  • When Rude lands, he will use a capture pyramid that will immobilize a character and inflict damage until it is destroyed. Don't treat it like a common affliction.


  • You'll need to use and abuse melee parades to survive and inflict damage without taking too many risks.
  • It may be advisable to take direct control of the character capable of stealing the equipment, since it will take many attempts to get there. It's better to do it at the start of the fight on Reno, then at the very end on Rude when he is the only one still standing.
  • They are difficult enemies, but normally you shouldn't have too much trouble keeping the group alive if everyone has a Healing Materia.
Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager

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