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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 18 Walkthrough: Whisper Harbinger & Bahamut Boss Guide

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 18 Walkthrough: Whisper Harbinger & Bahamut Boss Guide

The end of the road is near, but Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Aerith and Red XIII have another fight to face in Final Fantasy VII Remake. Our walkthrough helps you overcome this difficult encounter.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 18 Walkthrough: Whisper Harbinger & Bahamut Boss Guide
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Time has come to face incomprehensible monsters in Final Fantasy VII Remake. But at least, for the first time, all members of the group will be used in combat at some point, i.e. Cloud, Barret, Tifa and Aerith.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Planning & Materia

  • A bench and a vending machine will allow you to rest in a room a little before the boss, this will allow you to approach the fight in great shape.
  • The different enemies encountered in this fight have no particular weakness or resistance, so you can simply equip your best Elemental Materia.
  • As the composition of the group will change over the fight, and everyone will be involved, make sure you have Healing and Support Materia for everyone. Barret will be absent during the last rounds of the fight, so give priority to the others for the best equipment and Materia. Don't neglect the healing items, the Prayer Materia, and the combination of zone Materia and Healing Materia will be truly vital.
  • The Time Materia and its Haste spell will give you a boost on this fight, don't neglect them.
  • Giving the Deadly Dodge / Parry / First Strike Materia to Cloud can be a good idea.
  • Equipping everyone with HP Up Materia can be a good choice too.
  • Non-elementary summons are better here, especially since there are several targets in general. Prefer the fat Chocobo or Leviathan.

Enemies & Skills

This Boss has 5 forms so it would be difficult to list all the enemy abilities, here is the main info:

  • Whisper Harbinger: The real boss, but you won't face him directly. He will cast zone spells or give big claw strokes. Keep the group high alive, and if you ever see a mega elementary AOE coming (thanks to its incantation bar), block!
  • Whisper Rubrum: The specialist in melee combat. He uses a fire spell and different sequences of sword attacks. Better send Cloud over it and counter it.
  • Whisper Viridi: The enemy specialized in area attacks. It uses a lightning spell, a nova, an explosion and a brutal melee attack.
  • Whisper Croceo: The enemy specialized in long-range combat. It uses a wind spell and different shots and lasers.
  • Whisper Bahamut: By far the most painful opponent of the lot, even if he is alone. It will charge in melee and use attacks as fast as formidable, with breaths and spells as a bonus.


  • The majority of the fight will consist of facing the trio of colored Whisper with your group. Since they are all quite formidable, the situation will generally be chaotic. It's better to play defensively and try to keep your group high alive. Concentrate your attacks on one Whisper at a time preferably to shorten the fight. Red seems to be a good choice, since it will not let you go, concentrating the firepower of the whole group on it, it should quickly die, which will allow you to move on to the next.
  • The real danger in this fight is to take a nasty combo between the giant boss and your opponents of the moment. It can be difficult to see some of his attacks coming. So again, try to keep the group high alive.
  • After having defeated the trio of Whisper several times, he will merge and form Bahamut, who is clearly more dangerous. Fortunately, with a Summon and playing defensively with Cloud, you should get through it without much trouble. However, be careful, it really hurts and it continues its attacks.
  • The final rounds of the fight will reduce the life of the boss each time you put a spinner in shock. Try to keep your ATB bars full in order to do as much damage as possible at this precise moment.
Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager

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