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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 18 Walkthrough: Sephiroth Boss Guide

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 18 Walkthrough: Sephiroth Boss Guide

The final boss of Final Fantasy VII Remake is a surprise compared to the original, but not entirely unexpected. Our final guide helps you take down Sephiroth, the primary antagonist of FF7 Remake.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 18 Walkthrough: Sephiroth Boss Guide
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The last boss of Final Fantasy VII Remake is Sephiroth. It's not a surprise but fans of the original game might be surprised to face it as early in history.

You will face him immediately after your victory over Whisper Harbinger, but some pretty cutscenes will give you time to unwind. Once again, the entire team will answer the call, with Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Aerith, and Red 13 as guest stars.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Planning & Materia

  • Your group will automatically recover mana and life between the two fights.
  • Sephiroth has no weaknesses (excpet maybe Cloud, romantically), and he has slight resistances to all elements. Don't use Elemental Materia!
  • The Support Materia will, as always, be very useful, whether it's Healing, Haste or Prayer.
  • All group members will participate in combat at some point, but Cloud is the core of the team. He's also the best to manage Sephiroth's abilities. Having Cloud equip a Steadfast Block and a Parry Materia should help to counter his attacks as well as offer you openings.
  • Prefer a non-elemental summon like Leviathan.

Boss skills

  • Scintilla: A fearsome melee attack that strikes at long range once launched.
  • Heartless Angel - Watch out:: A large AoE that will affect the whole group.
  • Shadow Flare: A very painful attack where Sephiroth launches giant energy balls. Try dodging them.
  • Fire Infusion: A single target fire spell that hurts a lot, even while protecting yourself.
  • Ice Infusion : A single target ice spell that hurts a lot, even when protecting yourself.

    This is obviously only a sample of Sephiroth's abilities. He also has a wide range of melee attacks and combos, as well as other scripted skills launched in certain phases of the combat.


  • The fight begins in the form of a duel, which is reminiscent of the second phase of Rufus. Sephiroth is very aggressive and he will easily send you flying with his combos. You'll have to use counters and blocks with good timing. As the fight progresses, your teammates will arrive one by one as reinforcement.
  • Cast Haste on everyone and keep the spell active throughout the fight in order to put pressure on Sephiroth. He will focus on your active character, so it's better to keep Cloud, even if you can also switch to Barret or Tifa according to your preferences.
  • If you've gotten to this point in the game, Sephiroth shouldn't be a big deal. As always, be sure to keep an ATB bar on your characters capable of healing.
  • The critical moment of the fight is the last phase, when Sephiroth has his wings. Be careful, if you hang around too long, he'll unleash a huge attack that will annihilate the whole group. So don't hang around too much. In this phase, Barret, equipped with his Big Bertha and its Maximum Fury can do miracles in terms of damage. Aerith too, if you have successfully positioned all of her spells. All your characters with an ATB bar should also take the opportunity to cast their most powerful spells.
Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager

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