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Animal Crossing: New Horizons: can you catch the owl and the yellow bird?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons: can you catch the owl and the yellow bird?

Sometimes, Animal Crossing players have crazy goals! This time, many internet users are trying to catch the famous yellow bird (and the white owl) present on the billboard: but is it only possible?

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Once all the debts have been paid off, the 5 reputation stars reached, and your island completely terraformed, what kind of objectives can still be reached in Animal Crossing: New Horizons? Obviously, there are tons of things to do every day on the game, but Internet users have started to ask themselves a crucial question: is it possible to catch the yellow bird (or the white owl at night) finding on the billboard?

These were already present in previous games and the answer is no. Why ? Firstly because the yellow bird and the owl are not insects or fishes that are part of the museum, and secondly because they fly away directly when you approach them too closely.

However, if it's impossible to catch them with your net, it's possible to capture them... in photos! So try to take photos at the right time, when the bird or owl flies away.

And if you want to see more owls or yellow birds, know that there are also some on the roof of Harvey's house (go to Harvey's Island via the airport).

Camille Chabroud

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