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Hearthstone, Freeze Mage Deck

Hearthstone, Freeze Mage Deck

The buff of cards of June, 3 brought back life to some cards, as the Luna's Pocket Galaxy. Oliech involved it and integrated it to a list which is the Freeze Mage.

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Long-forgotten archetype, the Freeze Mage comes back for Rise of Shadows. After the cards buffs of June 3 and the mana regen reduction of Luna's Pocket Galaxy, the deck will be popular in this meta. Here are the code and list to play the deck.

Freeze Mage



This deck is clearly control-focused. We remember the famous Doomsayer + Ray of Frost combo, and the Mirror Image to slow down the opponent, or Ice Barrier + Lifedrinker to survive. Jepetto Joybuzz and Luna's Pocket Galaxy allow you to draw significant minions (Alexstrasza or Antonidas, for example) than you can then copy.

Written by Jérémie "Djey" Mathis. Translated from French by

Hearthstone: Mechanical Inn-Vitational

On the side of the Rise of the Mechs event, Blizzard has announced an event which should reunite players and streamers on June, 3 and 4. We will see confrontation, new balancing of 18 cards, and some other surprises.

Get your Suramar card back in June

Located near Dalaran, the marvelous city of Suramar will give its colors to a card back which you will be able to get in June. A clue on the Hearthstone future? Anyways, you will have to win 5 ranked games to get the item.

Millenium Rédaction
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