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Combat interface & system - Ghost of Tsushima: Samurai and Ghost combat system

Ghost of Tsushima: Samurai and Ghost combat system
Combat interface & system
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The controls are fairly standard for a game like this, with a few subtleties to reward good timing and speed of execution. The square allows you to strike with the sword, the triangle allows you to charge an attack capable of killing a basic enemy instantly by releasing the button at the right time. L1 allows to parry.

Many execution commands and special actions appear on the screen depending on the circumstances, these are usually opportunities for assassination or execution when enemies are vulnerable.


Bubbles displayed on the screen act as a resolve gauge. It charges by hitting enemies, and you can use it to unleash devastating special attacks or heal yourself.


Different combat postures more or less adapted to the type of opponent will be available, as in Nioh for example. They seem based on elements or concepts rather than "high" or "low". The three known postures are Water, Stone and Wind. You can change it quickly via the selection wheel, which has the effect of changing the fighting style.


As mentioned in the previous page, your choice of armor will have a big impact on your gameplay. You will be less agile and less discreet in heavy armor. Armor can be improved with certain NPCs.

The main weapons are the katana and the bow, but there are secondary weapons, in particular in Ghost mode like smoke bombs or flash bombs. The katana can be customised and improved.

Different charms can be obtained during the game in order to benefit from various bonuses. You'll have to explore the world to find them and activate them.


You can whistle your mount to call it, and you can use a bow and a sword fighting while mounted. You'll even be able to assassinate someone from his horse under the right conditions. In the gameplay presentation, we can see Jin using his mount to propel himself several meters forward and land on the ground.

Original content by Robin "Raiden" Bouquet.

Laure Laborde
Laure Laborde

Freelance Writer and Editor for Millenium FR & US - Indie lover and horror enthusiast.

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