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FUT 21: Trading guide, techniques and lists

FUT 21: Trading guide, techniques and lists

Buy/Re-sale is a technique as old as the world in FIFA Ultimate Team and is a good way to earn coins. We give you all the techniques to become a millionaire on the FUT 21 thanks to FrenchieMandou.

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What is Buy/Re-Sale?

If you are an insider of the buy/re-sale technique, you can already go to the next paragraph. Those unfamiliar, take a seat. We offer you a small remedial course. Ultimate Team is an economical market that works the same as any real world market, it obeys the rules of supply and demand.

Resale buying consists of buying players at the best price to resell them directly at a higher price in order to create a profit while taking into account market trends and its evolutions.

Welcome to our buy and resale guide on FUT 21 that would not have been possible without the techniques, explanations and lists of players used by FrenchieMandou.

The transfer market is your gateway to the gold mine.

The principle seems a little barbaric but in reality it is quite simple and logical. Like at every start of a new FUT season, the players all begin with few coins and FIFA 21 is no exception to the rule.

It is therefore preferable at the beginning to take the popular small players with a handful of coins that you will sell for little more than but in much larger quantities.

On the contrary, several weeks or months after the game's release, when all the players will have a substantial amount of coins, you can go and see the more expensive players.

Buying re-sale requires time, patience and above all a certain knowledge. We will try to give you as much advice as possible through this guide, but keep in mind that it is by trying and making mistakes that you learn. No, you won't become millionaires in two days. It is through time and perseverance that you will earn enough coins to build the team of your dreams.

EA Tax

First of all, know that EA applies a 5% tax on the profits of all your sales. Watch out for false profits, especially on large transactions since you actually only receive 95% of the credits at the end of each sale. You can calculate your actual margin as follows:

Real profit = (sale price * 0.95) - purchase price

Resale buying Techniques

Gold Non-rare for beginners

Almost risk-free and devilishly effective at the start of the game, the Gold Non-Rare technique is the technique that we strongly advise you to adopt during your first hours on Ultimate Team.

It consists in buying non-rare gold players from the most popular championships in France (Premier League, Ligue 1, Liga) at the minimum price to sell them a handful of more expensive credits. To work this technique must respect the following instructions proposed by FrenchieMandou :

  • Have a minimum budget of 1,000 coins
  • Buy the player at the lowest price with at least 7 contracts
  • Add between 200 or 350 to the purchase price at the time of resale
  • Avoid having several identical players in your stack

Example of a sales scale below 1,000 purchase credits:

This table has been made with minimal benefits, it's up to you to decide whether or not you want to eat more. By trying to resell for more, you will have to re-list more often and therefore potentially make less profit by locking up your space in your stack.

Buying price

Selling price






































The key to this technique is to multiply sales, mass buy and re-list hourly whenever possible.

The 59 Technique

This technique is undoubtedly the one that will bring you the most credits per transaction. The goal is to take advantage of other players' pricing errors and buy their card the first second it goes on sale .

First of all you need to find the minimum price of the player you are targeting in buy it now, deduct about 10% from this amount and repeat the research until you find a card at an unbeatable price.

Example: For a Presnel Kimpembe with the cheapest card at 15,500 coins on the market, repeat buy it-now searches at 13,000 coins and wait for the player to drop in to buy it.

Once your card has been purchased, list it at the mid-market price to make maximum profit while preserving your chances of selling it quickly. Don't give up hope and re-list, if the market price doesn't drop, you have no reason to drop it.

The 59 technique can net you big but gets very risky over the years with lots of bans.

Although very profitable, this technique has multiple drawbacks. Firstly because EA has an unfortunate tendency to ban players whose search occurrences are detected as abusive by the bots who monitor the market but above all because the manipulation is tedious. .

It requires a lot of luck and patience, while other techniques that certainly yield less coins per transaction are more profitable in the long run.

FUT Millionaire Tecnhique

After having built up a good capital of coins thanks to the non-rare gold technique, we advise you to switch to the FUT Millionaire technique. This is very simple. You have to buy rare gold players from the most popular championships at minimum price . To work this technique must respect the following instructions, always offered by FrenchieMandou :

  • Have a minimum budget of 50 or even 100,000 coins
  • Buy the player at the lowest price with at least 7 contracts and a good chemistry style
  • Use the scale available below in the article
  • Avoid having several identical players in your stack

    The FUT Millionaire technique is the one that will allow you to collect enough credits to switch to the most profitable technique used in buy resale: the airplane technique. Favor the quantity of players over their value. Take inexpensive players, rarely exceeding 5,000 coins in order to have a wallet of around fifty cards. List every hour and buy back the ones you sell immediately.

Airplane Technique

All FUT cards have 7 contracts by default, but when making a purchase requiring a certain investment, players generally prefer cards with more contracts and an interesting chemsitry style.

Airplane technique consists of buying a player at the minimum price, if possible with a style and sometimes a change of position and to increase him to 99 contracts in him applying consumables .

We recommend that you use this technique only when you have significant capital , around 750,000 / 2,000,000 coins. To work, this technique must respect the following instructions, always offered by FrenchieMandou :

  • Have + 50% contract modifier
  • Buy the player at the lowest price and focus on styles, shadow and hunter as well as job changes
  • Apply contracts to reach 99Also apply its scale to determine your selling prices:

Airplane technique sales will be more difficult and you will probably have to re-list several times before selling your cards, which is why this technique should only be used with more expensive players whose value is not brought to much. fluctuate to limit risk.

Never buy the same player over and over. Prefer to renew it as soon as your sale is made. On the other hand, the number of cards to invest on is only limited by the size of your transfer list.

That's it, you now know the main techniques to earn credits on FIFA 21 Ultimate Team through resale purchase. The path to wealth begins now and remember, patience is key in becoming a FUT market expert.

How to unlock Tonali OTW on FUT 21

Squad building challenges are available in FIFA 21 Ultimate Team. Here are the solutions to unlock the One To Watch card of Sandro Tonali, the Italian midfielder.

Xavier Izzi

Milanais depuis toujours, et toujours en cours de digestion des finales de 93' et de 05'

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